Example sentences of "he call [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You can thank 'im yourselves when 'e calls on ye later ! ’
2 Above the rustle and thud of the hooves , he could hear the voices of Tuathal 's riders behind him calling to one another , quipping breathlessly , their voices still surprised .
3 He stopped his patrol car to investigate and Vernage simply slaughtered him in the street , cutting off his police radio to stop him calling for help .
4 She heard him calling for her quietly , then loudly .
5 We knew he was coming because we could see him calling at our neighbours in the yard first .
6 At Mr Banzer 's closing rally in La Paz , many Bolivians defied the cold to hear him call for higher taxes on the rich and more efficiency in government : ‘ We will tighten the government 's belt and loosen the belt on the people . ’
7 From her hut she heard him call to the Moi and her sons , and a moment later they all plunged naked into the river .
8 She heard him call after her and got into one of the swing boats with a pale , freckled little boy who was hanging nervously on to the rope while his plain , doting parents stood beside the boat , saying encouragingly , ‘ Go on , Sidney , it 'll be such fun . ’
9 Once in her suite of rooms she sat down at a little Louis Quinze escritoire , its pale grey panels painted with carnations and pinks , and wrote a short letter to her faithless lover , asking him to call on her urgently at the embassy at eleven the next morning .
10 Such a problem was analysed in M & S Drapers v Reynolds [ 1956 ] 3 All ER 814 when Denning LJ said : I do not … see why the employers should be able to forbid him to call on the people whom he already knew before he worked for them …
11 The Executive Council under Sir Paw Tun were inert and helpless , and later that morning I went to the Governor to say that I did not think we could hold the situation any longer without grave risk , and advised him to call for the resignation of the Executive Council .
12 It was now time for him to call in his battlegroup to tell his men of their achievements .
13 A whispering campaign by it that there was a communist cell linked with his cabinet and involving himself and his personal secretary , Lady Falkender , had led him to call in Sir Michael Hanley , director-general of DI5 , in the summer of 1975 .
14 It had been prudent of him to call in the police surgeon to confirm his estimate of the time of death .
15 ( Similarly , the self-relatedness within God 's triunity is opened up as the basis on which he calls into being creatures other than himself , creatures whose raison d'être is to mirror and participate in his relation to himself . )
16 He calls at Blair 's hideaway beach-house to collect some of his paintings .
17 Without fair warning he calls on Helen Mirren , hitherto muffled by the black flounces of his cosmology , to produce raw feeling , love even , loss and rage .
18 He calls on his persecuted readers to rejoice when they suffer as Christians and so share Christ 's sufferings , for ‘ the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you ’ ( 1 Pet .
19 In recommending what Hilton calls " medeled liyf " to his noble lord , he calls on the earlier tradition of awareness of a fundamental harmony between these two conditions — both crucial to temporal life as exemplified in the Incarnation .
20 The editor 's notes reveal his disillusionment with the increasing commercialisation of the game although he calls for ‘ changes which would provide a dynamic , viable circuit for the professional game in the 1990s and beyond ’ .
21 He calls for our bills in Spanish .
22 He calls for me at nine ,
23 He calls for a reformed profession built around a new " common enterprise " and involving " wide active cooperation " among its members .
24 Denying the distinctions between nature and nurture and biology and ideology , he calls for ‘ an entirely new level of causation ’ based on the complex interactions between the biology of living organisms and their environment .
25 At the time when he calls for the actor to desist , the constable must already have reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has occurred .
26 He calls for cakes and hot drinks all the time .
27 Here he calls for unified action from education and industry to ensure that the UK 's future professionals are not left in the cold .
28 But there was always what he calls in this note ‘ the loyal conviction that Christ is both necessary and true ’ .
29 ‘ As a little bully boy he calls in big brother to do the beating up for him . ’
30 What we actually experience , he argued , what we actually experience is duration , a continuous flowing and change , what he calls in a rather striking phrase , I think , ‘ succession without divisibility ’ .
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