Example sentences of "he might just " in BNC.

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1 She did n't dare look down at Adam 's usual table — seeing him might just finish her off completely .
2 He might just as well have said : ‘ It 's all very well asking for more money for the railways , but if the volume of rail freight were doubled , it would still be only a mere 16 per cent of the rail-and-road total . ’
3 However , if he can form an alliance with militants elected from Punjab and Assam , he might just hold the balance of power in a hung parliament .
4 He might just as well have stipulated long white trousers .
5 There again , he might just be shy ?
6 He touched this leather , just brushing it with the tip of his soft hen feather , and it was drawn away in angular folds like bat-wings , and beyond a little dark door lay open into a tiny hole , into which he thought he might just manage to put his shoulders .
7 He might just be stunned .
8 He might just have been another guitar player who ended up playing back-up for a lot of people , which was what he was doing in America . ’
9 He 's a good guide as to how to behave during barren times and , while I accept their temperaments are chalk and cheese , he might just talk some sense into Wright .
10 He might just sit tight inside the castle .
11 He might just as well not have bothered , for it was there still , it would be there for ever , unless one day they found how to cut memory out of the brain with a scalpel .
12 If Jitters did n't have a wife and kids back in the old country — which , come to think of it , he probably did n't these days — he might just have dragged Fat Old Stinky Juanita up before the padre and tied the old knot .
13 He might just get the benefit of the doubt — because his side were under such intense pressure in the last ten minutes at Elland Road that his mind was concentrated on the battle on the field .
14 Perhaps the policeman had looked into Erlich 's face and calculated that if he had not stood aside then he might just have ended up on his back .
15 Intelligence Agency , if he had been twiddling his thumbs for a week , he might just have been a little determined himself .
16 He admits he might just prefer a boy but does n't really care ‘ as long as everything 's all right . ’
17 The Tree has some pretty weird ideas about religion ; he might just swallow the idea he 's been working for the devil all this time .
18 Nobody wanted to stroke a Gnome , except perhaps another Gnome , He thought he might just have a word with Caspar to see if Fenella could be brought along to his , Inchbad 's , bed that very night .
19 He might just have worked things out to his own convenience .
20 He gives ya quality gear but he do n't take no shit , and if you dare to call him Mister he might just shoot your crawly ass off .
21 Well sometimes if I 'm doing er say a sixty year old , to sixty five , he 's got his state pension to come in at sixty five , so even if the P E P has n't quite recovered , he might just decide to leave that where it is , and then his state pension comes in , his income is then made up , and off we go again .
22 Well he might just have got out of bed , that may not help .
23 But , allowing that he could , he might just about have been able to drive the car to Exeter Sunday night .
24 He would see it through , he would find the Way Out , And he might not even stop at simply escaping ; he might just smash up the whole foul contraption of their testing and imprisonment apparatus — this " life " — while he was about It .
25 ‘ Though of course he might just have been making routine checks .
26 When he brushed some hair away from her face he might just as well have placed his hand on her most intimate spot .
27 He might just as well have branded her with the seal of his possession .
28 He might just catch her .
29 At this rate he might just carry out his threat .
30 He might just be one jump ahead of her as he had been when he stole her car space .
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