Example sentences of "he could take " in BNC.

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1 Then one day the main guy who 'd been peeking at us turned up and asked if he could take some pictures of us .
2 In his moment of illumination on the bus , Lewis felt that he could either remain encased in this shell , or he could take it off .
3 In the last four days of his life , he could take nothing but whisky , administered to him by Warnie .
4 He could take up organic farming and selling nurture as nature intended to a consumer market now seriously worried about E numbers and Alar .
5 He could take up agroforestry ; he could convert to timber ; he could take up government agency schemes and grow winter grass mixtures for wild geese to graze upon , or engineer his fields to be a home for the stone curlew .
6 He could take up agroforestry ; he could convert to timber ; he could take up government agency schemes and grow winter grass mixtures for wild geese to graze upon , or engineer his fields to be a home for the stone curlew .
7 All he could take in was the muzzle of the gun the silent terror of the girl next to him and the Woman 's stony face .
8 Jason Donovan was also eleven , at school in Melbourne and also launching his acting career in Skyways , which he found exciting because it meant he could take some time off school .
9 Miraculously cured of back pains just before he had joined the NSC , he had joined a charismatic Episcopal congregation , in which he kept the church manners of a Catholic ; and where appeals for the contras were concerned he could take either voice , as necessary .
10 WHEN A CLUB as great as Cardiff fall on times as hard as they are now it is easy to understand why they ask New Zealand 's John Hart if he could take over as coaching director and why they have asked Australia 's Alec Evans the same question .
11 His mother had spoken to Mr McDoodle , who owned one of the few horse and carts in the village , asking him if he could take Endill to the nearest train station which was over the hills in the town of Moorloch .
12 A skilled Nottingham engineer 's daughter of the 1920s remembers her father ‘ would never go to see his parents unless he could take them some money …
13 It had been difficult to convince him that such a step would be the worst one he could take .
14 At the end of the year the Board agreed with the Chief Executive , Mr Philip Court , that he could take early retirement , and this took effect from the end of January 1990 .
15 Yet he could take an Alpine stage and finish high in the mountains classification .
16 Before he could take his first step into the water he saw the fish .
17 Then , towards dawn , he could take no more and messed the bed .
18 She shrieked when he went near her with the scissors , and had to be held down by the nurse so that he could take off about twelve inches of her golden curls .
19 When he asked if he could take part , the gentlemen archers looked at him and at his bow and , thinking it doubtful he could hit anything at 100 yards , gave their permission if his father looked after him .
20 Peter just could n't resist young blondes , and being the boss he knew he could take his pick — until he met Vanessa …
21 Now he could take what he wanted .
22 We cascaded down the stairs as the dog decided he could take going downstairs in his stride — and seethed across the station into the sunshine of the great outdoors ; where I observed two large policemen surrounding my estate car , notebooks in hand — and under the obvious impression that they were abut to make an easy collar .
23 The originator of the tapes has clearly decided to make his tape deck pay for itself ( although I think he could take a few hints on how to eliminate unwanted hum and noise ) and the result can only be described as a rip off .
24 He could take no more nail-biting suspense ; he must act :
25 Then when a photographer asked if he could take his picture , Penn said , ‘ Please do n't , but thank you for asking . ’
26 He told himself he could take life easy :
27 It was n't until he asked if he could take some off that I realised he had got himself well wrapped up — with 24 articles of clothing , ’ said Taylor .
28 He now watched Mick follow Carrie to the door way that led into the scullery , and he found himself also stepping in that direction , until he could take in the whole of the scullery and the open backyard door through which Mr Carver was now passing , saying as he did so , ‘ Ta-rah , then . ’
29 I went to the BBC TV Centre with a photographer yesterday on the understanding that he could take pictures from the video .
30 There was a man here once , he could take half an hour to drink a bowl of soup , big as an ox .
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