Example sentences of "he would [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , well , if 'e was still alive , 'e 'd be 119 next month . ’
2 Beating him would be a feather in my cap . ’
3 Rebirth for him would be fatal , in the word of a later poem ‘ like Death , our death ’ .
4 The premium rate suggested by him would be equivalent to an amount in excess of £1 billion ( $1.95 billion ) for a syndicate with a capacity of £41m ; this in addition to the losses already paid and reserved .
5 I debated with myself whether it was right to have lunch with an aristocrat but I was also very curious to see what lunch with him would be like and accepted the invitation .
6 Without technology like this , Jonathon and thousands like him would be debarred from even the simplest form of human interaction .
7 But to be sorry for him would be a mistake : he lived his life to the full , and in all his deeds he enriched the lives of others .
8 Then at least something of him would be left . ’
9 In contrast to this condoned and systematic brutality , rugby 's ‘ image problem ’ , in Mr Lieberman 's analysis , stems from its association with ‘ beer parties ’ , which are frowned upon by the editor of Sports Illustrated , who is dismissive of rugby in a way which I find offensive ( I wonder if he 's aware , for instance , that the US Womens ' team recently won a world title ? ) , and attempting to placate people like him would be buying into a value system which is completely alien to the game .
10 She told us that the best thing for him would be to have some traction sessions three times a week at Wrexham Hospital .
11 Tyndale 's main problem for the rest of his life was to find a base on the Continent where there was a printing press , where its use by him would be tolerated by the authorities , and from which his translations and publications could be sent to England , either through sales at the great annual book fair at Frankfurt or by river and sea , hidden among the goods of friendly merchants .
12 IN A report on July 29 concerning Chelsea FC 's midfield star Andy Townsend , we stated that £2.5million in cash for him would be ‘ a huge temptation to Chelsea FC because of its precarious financial position . ’
13 Point out that reduced sensitivity means longer and therefore more sex , that condoms can be stretched to fit over someone 's hand and that perhaps you putting a condom on him would be really sexy .
14 He sent news home to Spain , demanding reinforcements of 1,000 men — the number the cacique had warned him would be required to defeat such forces of hostile Indians along the way .
15 The strange thing was that she knew it was Ernest 's bell , the bell she had tactfully told him would be unsuitable for the kind of school he had in mind .
16 If he agreed , the threat of proceedings against him would be unnecessary .
17 We suggested there that the strategy available to him would be , on the one hand , to work predictively in terms of his previous experience ( similar speakers , similar genres , etc. ) and on the other hand to examine the content of the text .
18 ‘ Well , my advice to him would be , do n't give up the day job .
19 To lose him would be worse than losing himself : it would be losing the only chance left to him for the life he had always and violently lusted after .
20 He 'd sat up for most of the night brooding about it , wondering what her reaction to him would be , finally deciding that he could n't wait until the evening to find out .
21 ‘ But even if Riddle was the child 's father , to shoot him would be over-reacting , would n't it ? ’
22 Yet the longer she spent with Nathan Bryce the harder it was to accept that for the next four weeks her only escape from him would be in sleep .
23 She flattered herself this was done discreetly , and was noticed by no-one , though the yearning in her look as she gazed at him would be obvious to a child of five , and the staff made frequent jokes about her loving him with a love that made his life a burden .
24 To mention him would be to revive an old humiliation .
25 Dish-king him would be like kicking a puppy .
26 Working for him would be no picnic , Merrill conceded .
27 If the Policyholder leases the building to tenants then any loss of rent due to him would be covered , for the period the building was uninhabitable .
28 Robyn glanced down at the chopping-board ; cooking for him would be bad enough , but others ?
29 ‘ Part of him would be very pleased that you were laughing at him .
30 ‘ But on the other hand I do n't want her upset either , and seeing him would be the one thing guaranteed to do just that . ’
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