Example sentences of "he say be " in BNC.

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1 On subsequent visits to Spain Minton did reveal enough knowledge of Spanish to engage locals in conversations in bars , but in 1949 the only Spanish Bernard heard him say was ‘ No , melón ! ’ to a waiter .
2 That afternoon there was a voice among us that seemed to be leading the whole thing — anything he say is what we thinking , but before .
3 Some of the things he says are really quite outrageous — do you ever get any complaints about his language ?
4 He reckons NeXTStep can do development five to ten times faster than other technologies such as SunSoft Inc 's Solaris or Unix System Labs ' Unix SVR4.2 which he says are weak development solutions .
5 There are African masks and Polynesian sculptures bought at Sotheby 's ; goats ' skulls slung over doors ; and hanging from the walls are his own canvases — massive primitive paintings that he says are fertility symbols of women .
6 Every single action the Profitboss performs , every single decision he makes and everything he says are geared to an end-result .
7 The things he says are right , and they explain his popularity , but ho he says them explains the certain wariness with which he is regarded .
8 I 'm more than half convinced intellectually by him , but I still feel some of the paintings he says are bad are beautiful .
9 He says are no houses on the west side of Lakeside .
10 These , he says are the Friends Provident Stewardship , Scottish Equitable Ethical , National provident Institution Global Care Fund , Clerical Medical Evergreen Fund , Merlin Ecology Fund , Henderson Green PEP and the Skandia Ethical Selection Fund .
11 He says are you called a Geordie she says no I 'm a Mackem he says what 's a Mackem ?
12 Yes , you all laugh — who , all right , he makes — some of the things he says are valid , but because he 's watered his message down , if you , well ‘ watered down ’ is the wrong , popularized his message to make a political point , at the same time he 's alienated other people who he needs to rely on in this scientific community to help him go , go forward .
13 He starts by looking at DRG 's pension fund surplus , which he says is worth £25m .
14 If what he says is true , which is highly unlikely , they must visit his latrine during the hours of darkness .
15 In response , Mr Burgreen undertook what he says is the most extensive study ever of the use of force by policemen .
16 He says that I never feel randy these days , that I 'm ‘ cold ’ , and that the anorexia is stopping my hormones , which he says is stopping me from feeling sexy .
17 ‘ Any private seller who makes a factual statement about the goods he is selling , verbally or in writing , can be held to account if what he says is inaccurate . ’
18 Jonathan always thinks that what he says is so fantastic that he 's got to say it twice in case you missed it the first time round .
19 Really what he says is completely muddled , it just does n't make sense . ’
20 Comrade Preobrazhensky complains that I did not ‘ warn the reader with single word ’ : his article , he says is a ‘ theoretical analysis of the fundamental regularities of our economy ’ and not at all an analysis of ‘ the economic policy of the state ’ .
21 The treachery and falsehood he uses to advance his cause he calls prudence , and the path by which he attains his ends , however crooked , he calls straight , whatever he says is lawful . ’
22 I tell you this : if anyone says to this mountain , ‘ Be lifted from your place and hurled into the sea , ’ and has no inward doubts , but believes that what he says is happening , it will be done for him ’ ( Mark 11:23 ) .
23 He has ‘ written ’ far more books than any other driver in the history of the sport ; he has given an infinite number of ‘ in depth ’ interviews ; he has been the subject of as much and as adulatory film footage as the Fellini-like Enzo Ferrari , and while everything he says seems absolutely straight , nothing he says is without a sharp edge to it .
24 Whatever he says is bound to be controversial , though that does not matter as long as it is not provocative .
25 His aim , he added , is to build SyQuest into a $1,000m-a-year company by concentrating on the removable disk sector , which he says is high-profit .
26 VISystems marketing manager John Phillips claims that 99% of the source code can be retained using VIS/TP , which he says is faster than Bull 's competing Unikix product ( UX No 390 ) , which emulates CICS .
27 Observers such as IDC 's David Smith believe that of the big three HP is the most likely to make a move because unity plays to HP 's hand , something he says is not the case with either IBM or Digital .
28 Meanwhile , DEC watcher Terry Shannon of Gander Resources claims DEC taped out an Alpha Lite LC ( for low cost ) chip last month and believes it is for the so-called Triumph Alpha PC which he says is scheduled to move next March .
29 RETIRED teacher George Calvert went to court yesterday to try to stop a noise he says is disturbing God 's peace — the local church bells .
30 I wish I knew how much of what he says is true ! ’
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