Example sentences of "he will [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 P'raps 'e 'll walk yer 'ome , ’ she added .
2 ‘ Bring 'em in , lad , ’ Mr Bean said to Hoomey. ‘ 'E 'll think 'e 's in paradise . ’
3 'E 'll fix you up … ’
4 ‘ Oh , d'yer fink 'e 'll pay tuppence ? ’ asked Linda .
5 I be lucky I get any bloke fer more'n two monfs togewer like my ol' lady I suppose an' if I get a bloke 'e 'll be aht a' work or 'e 'll set me ter the bleed'n game like 'er I would n't be surprised but if you reely want ter now jus ' fer now for this minute I wanner enjoy it .
6 ‘ We was in t'workhouse together and 'e 'll do as 'e 's told , which is more than a lot of 'usbands does . ’
7 ‘ If yer miss payin' 'e 'll do the same as 'e did wiv us .
8 ‘ If yer lets ‘ im go on like that , 'e 'll lose yer the baby , ’ she said , and winked .
9 'E 'll share my room and ’ e 'll spend 'is evenings in t'stable out o' t'way , like 'e does now . ’
10 Our Daniel were born a shuffletoppin' an ’ 'e 'll die a shuffletoppin' . ’
11 Tony gives us till quarter ter seven then 'e 'll come back and drive it out o' the yard .
12 ‘ E's got a warm 'eart , 'e 'll call the doctor in if 'e thinks yer leg 's broke .
13 Sergeant Joe 'll see yer sprain do n't get worse , 'e 'll get the doctor in if it does .
14 This is followed by the statement that the testator ‘ knows ’ that everything Pamphilus receives from him will pass to the testator 's sons at Pamphilus ' death .
15 Milken refused to play the game of domino justice , so the case against him will stand or fall on its own merits .
16 Members of congress are , in any event , likely to be in awe of the president ; a direct telephone call from him will carry special weight as Tip O'Neill reports : ‘ The men and women in Congress love nothing better than to hear from the head guy .
17 As for the poll I think Gav is just a little bit biased in his choice of Cuntona , as im sure anyone who has seen him will confirm Gavs evening job is actually as a Cuntona look a like you know posing for pictures for the Sun with an easel and tweeds .
18 I suspect the left hook with which he floored Ali in their first bout and the controversy aroused when referee Harry Gibbs decided Bugner had outpointed him will remain important entries in British boxing long after the widely-publicised arguments between Eubank and Benn have faded from memory .
19 If Saddam is overthrown — when Saddam is overthrown — everyone close to him will go too , and it 's unlikely to be a gentle business .
20 ‘ You others will tell Creggan what you know and can remember and in telling him will remind yourselves of what you may have forgotten .
21 Our Archbishop has just announced his retirement , and whoever is chosen to succeed him will lead us into the Decade of Evangelism .
22 Be sure , his influence on those around him will continue .
23 If there are four candidates in a constituency — Conservative , Labour , Liberal Democrat and Scottish Nationalist Party — and if thanks to the AV the Labour candidate is elected , first votes given to him will get 100% political representation in the constituency and first votes given to the other three candidates will get none at all : a strange sort of PARR , just like the sort our present system provides !
24 It was , however , a month or two before they gave up sending me colourful brochures with inducements to have a rose bush planted in his name or an attractively calligraphed entry in their ‘ Book of Remembrance ’ , to be opened every year on the date of his death to commemorate his passing etc , etc , none of which was cheap and I 'm sure that neither I nor anyone else who knew him will need that kind of reminder .
25 Losing is becoming a depressing habit and under-pressure Gooch now with 15 one-day innings without a fifty behind him will need no reminding that England have also lost their last five Tests .
26 All four evangelists record the promise of John the Baptist that whereas he baptises in water , the One who comes after him will baptise with the Holy Spirit ( and , according to Matthew and Luke , ‘ with fire ’ ) .
27 ‘ If a driver knows that any attempt to overtake the car ahead of him will risk a fine or disqualification , then he will not try , ’ the Austrian said .
28 ‘ Well I 'm afraid he 's out of the country so whatever you want to discuss with him will have to wait . ’
29 The board saying they wanted to sell him will have made him think ‘ Why not , no point hanging round where I 'm not wanted ’ .
30 The apostle Paul , answering the anxious questions of Christians whose loved ones had died , reminded them that Jesus ' own victory over death makes it certain that those who have come into a close relationship with him will share his new , full life which goes beyond the grave .
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