Example sentences of "he have to have " in BNC.

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1 Why did this man he had just begun to believe had no interest in him have to have chosen that book among the dozens of others ?
2 The all-rounder , who hurt his shoulder during Pakistan 's World Cup campaign , said he will not tour England if he has to have an operation .
3 He finds that he has to have his full concentration on his walk in order to match Iain 's stumbling , neurotic empathy .
4 I agree with you on his ambiguity and the danger of flirting with such issues — you 're not telling him what to write but , being an idol to many fans , he has to have sense of responsibility .
5 In order for a fighter to fight in the state of New Jersey , he has to have a thorough medical examination , so it 's hard for me to say . ’
6 This learning difficulty has to be ‘ significantly greater … than for the majority of children of his age ’ ; or , he has to have a ‘ disability which either prevents or hinders him from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools maintained by the local education authority concerned … ’ .
7 He has to have his £5 on Friday , and he would n't take any less than £2 a session , we both smoke , so that would be a total of about £6 a day at least , and then I 'd spend £1 on our tea alone .
8 We need it all but he has to have his bit ’ ( Graham , 1985 , p. 89 ) .
9 To do that , of course , he has to have some bankable names to star in it .
10 Mummy calls them his worshippers — he has to have at least one of them around . ’
11 He has to have a fire even in summer !
12 He 's only aged eleven , he 's only got four years before he has to have something assessed anyway .
13 The system improves your service , keeping a record of the guest 's history so that you can identify where he spent his money last time he stayed ( by analysing his spending pattern ) , which room he stayed in , what his favourite drink is , whether he has to have special foods , and important facts like did he pay , did anything go wrong last time he stayed , and so on
14 the only time he has meat he has to have green salad or maybe a raw vegetable salad .
15 He has to have a crunchy chew when he comes in from his walk .
16 Cos he has to have it undercut , cos that 's hard .
17 Why does he have to have his trousers on ?
18 So — after I was home , four days later ? a week ? he had to have sex . ’
19 It was n't exactly like he had to have an appointment , but it was that he did n't fit into the structure .
20 Where the editor rattled her half dozen strings of large beads and remarked with a toothy grin : ‘ They say it 's the fashion — ’ Where Gerald , the art editor — who was reputed to have a fabulous house on the Chelsea Embankment full of priceless works of art — was so sensitive that he had to have a soundproof office specially built for him , while his assistant Jeremy padded along like his superior 's spaniel , and if Gerald wore a shirt of subtle pink on Monday , his minion would appear in the same shade on Tuesday .
21 However , he had to have a close feeling of empathy with the horse in the first place to be able to transmit the mental idea .
22 Unfortunately for Cubitt he had to have a gallery but he made it far more acceptable by supporting it with pointed arches .
23 He never expressed any special wish to own a Mercedes until he could afford one : then he had to have it , and it had to be bright red .
24 In the spring , he had to have a heart by-pass operation , and that was a time of anxiety and distress .
25 If he 'd done something to or around the horses , I thought , then he had to have travelled with us on the train .
26 In the event he had to have a below-the-knee amputation .
27 ‘ He was taken to hospital because he had to have pine needles removed from his head . ’
28 ‘ Because he would have had such a responsible job , he had to have the absolute backing of both countries and he clearly did not and would have been in an impossible position .
29 Even if the things he kept from his wife — had once kept from parents , brother , girlfriends — were very minor , he had to have them , had , if need be , to create them .
30 To do it , he had to have more privacy than his room allowed , and he had tentatively approached Captain Dawson , who was home on leave and was painting the porch , for permission to put a table and chair in the garage , so that he could work there .
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