Example sentences of "he be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It ai n't what 'e 's bin used to , but then nor was that watchman 's job wiv the council .
2 Yer farvver 's never bin one ter talk much about 'is work but 'e clams up whenever I ask 'im what 'e 's bin doin'. 'E gets very tired too lately .
3 Sadie was tellin' me 'e 's bin 'angin' around wiv a bad crowd from Rovver'ithe . ’
4 ‘ I fink there 's bin some dodgy business goin' on wiv the stuff 'e 's bin 'andlin' if yer ask me , ’ William went on .
5 Surely it 's better than the way 'e 's bin since 'e got back from France ?
6 ‘ Well , I 'm in fer a right 'idin' if I ai n't got that bleedin' contraption out o' the 'ouse by the time my Joshua comes 'ome , ‘ specially if 'e 's bin on the turps again .
7 ‘ Since 'e 's bin in wiv that crowd from the Tunnel , though , 'e 's a changed boy .
8 Since Billy 's 'ad that gym on 'is mind 'e 's bin like a cat on 'ot bricks .
9 ‘ What about that Tommy Allen ? 'E 's bin comin' in quite a lot lately , ’ Fred remarked , looking surly .
10 ‘ It 's Carrie 's farvver. 'E 's bin in an accident . ’
11 ‘ I 'eard 'e was orf work wiv 'is back . ’
12 It broke 'er 'eart when 'e told 'er 'e was orf ter India . ’
13 'E was boxin' fer years . ’
14 'E was drinkin' pints o' porter , ’ he informed Nellie .
15 'E was jus ' tellin' me about the unions , an' 'ow they 're all worried about a General Strike .
16 ‘ Mr Jardine , now , when 'e was Surrey captain … ‘
17 I think this is clearly Miller 's main use for the character of Alfieri and he tries to make this more realistic by making Alfieri a lawyer though I do not think that this is done very well as Alfieri does not say anything which would justify him being a lawyer as all Eddie asks him are things he would have asked anyone though perhaps he asked him because he was a ‘ lawyer ’ and he respected this and knew he would get confidentiality .
18 Other batsmen dismissed frequently by him are Allan Border , Graham Gooch , David Gower and Malcolm Marshall ( all 10 ) , Gordon Greenidge and Zaheer Abbas ( 8 ) , Jeff Dujon , Desmond Haynes , Kim Hughes , Javed Miandad and Vivian Richards ( 7 ) : a distinguished catalogue !
19 Appearing with him are Andrew Fairlie as Sunny Jim — who previously worked with Gregor as Rab C. Nesbit 's son Gash — and Sean Scanlon as Dougie .
20 With him are physiotherapist Julie Leslie , Stephanie O'Connell with her TNS machine on the desk top and Debbie Thompson .
21 ‘ And unless you 're going to allow it to be your husband — to let him be boss , in fact — your relationship is never going to work .
22 To him be glory for ever and ever .
23 As honorary archivist for Lucas , the motor components group , he begged the company to let him be custodian of the earliest archives - including Lucas family albums — when , during company restructuring two years ago , the entire archive went to the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust .
24 Let him be Gazza — you should n't want him to be anyone else .
25 ON-TRIAL Frank McAvennie is begging boss Ron Atkinson to let him be Aston Villa 's slimline tonic !
26 The student 's willingness , however , to involve John and to try and behave fairly towards him were acts which potentially respected both his rationality and his vulnerability .
27 Surrealist spokesperson André Breton compared the camera with psychic automatism in that both for him were processes of mechanical recording .
28 Breton compared the camera with psychic automatism in that both for him were processes of mechanical recording .
29 He look different from the last time me and him were mates cos he 's got older .
30 He began to rake the shadows , furious he could not set a light ; his eyes were keener underwater than in this dark , all shapes around him were phantoms edged in blue in the starlight , but he saw no bundle among the sleeping men that could be Sycorax , no body that was Ariel 's .
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