Example sentences of "he have be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If 'e 'd been any bigger , she 'd have had a bad time . ’
2 In any case , 'e would n't be in 'ere terday if 'e 'd been lucky . ’
3 'E 'd been saying ‘ ow 's you 's coming hover .
4 'E 's been lookin' in Sergeant Joe 's private bag . ’
5 ‘ Everyone calls 'im Sergeant Joe , 'e 's been in the Army , yer see . ’
6 With reference to War Office letter of 3rd March 1945 regarding your husband Lieutenant L. G. Cairns , Army Air Corps , I am directed to inform you that in view of the length of time which has elapsed since Lieutenant Cairns was reported missing , during which no news of him has been received from any source , the Department has reluctantly , and with deep regret , reached the conclusion that he lost his life .
7 Thousands of books have been written about the poet 's life and work , his family and friends have been scrutinised , and every place connected with him has been sought out .
8 GREENE 'S '50s novel of a naively evil American agent in Indo-China and the cynical English hack who befriends him has been timely ever since it was published .
9 Richard 's second victim , Clarence , is also taken in by the hypocrite 's feigned concern , but since the real plot against him has been done through intermediaries he may seem less blameworthy .
10 I left him in charge of the whole of my affairs during my absence from England , with a perfect conviction that he would zealously exert himself for my interest , and the confidence I reposed in him has been fully realised , not only during my absence , but during the long period of eighteen years . ’
11 " Yes , I do , " says the shepherd , " but the only thing I could do to express my love for Him has been taken away from me . "
12 Oh , so you think that the whole appreciation of John Major , the whole perception of him has been knocked sideways by the press 's need
13 It is thought he might have hitched a lift and motorists who saw him have been asked to come forward .
14 All the evidence points to him having been selected by South Africa 's white military intelligence arm as their puppet .
15 To have continued to be so dependable and at the same time so exciting a batsman for so long , shows him to have been one of the greats of the game .
16 Her smile seemed to him to have been almost aloof , perhaps even disapproving .
17 His letters to his daughter Amanda , accompanied by her explanatory editorial notes , reveal him to have been something of a tender tyrant in his dealings with his three children , and much happier in the country watching birds than in London coping with editors and producers .
18 It was Nicholas junior who had shared his night watches ; his work on the Harmonies shows him to have been a prodigy .
19 Of Sharp , taking his lead from Wilberforce , Prince Hoare wrote ‘ there are few who will not find him to have been one [ a hero ] and who would not exult in possessing among the members of their family such a relative ’ .
20 His long career in France which led him to hold high military and administrative posts , as well as amassing a fortune through the capture of prisoners in battle , the seizing of property and the exploitation of estates , shows him to have been a ‘ realistic ’ person in all that he did .
21 Our own century has seen so many movements against the conflation of scientific and religious language that we may , on purely philosophical criteria , judge him to have been misguided .
22 Although she had come to dislike Dr McNab , believing him to have been indirectly responsible for her father 's death , she remained constantly at his side , helping him to care for the sick and wounded .
23 Any number of factors may turn up that show him to have been mistaken .
24 Photographs of that time show him to have been clean shaven and crisply dressed .
25 The Fat Controller looked more at home in this context than I could ever imagine him to have been at Cliff Top , or anywhere else for that matter .
26 He styled himself ‘ gentleman ’ and his publications show him to have been something of a virtuoso , interested in the state of agriculture , industry , and the national economy .
27 His will , proved in December of that year , shows him to have been in easy circumstances .
28 His will , executed on 12 December 1760 , shows him to have been a man of substance .
29 He was suspicious of all educational innovations that did not seem to him to have been carefully thought through , and he was critical , too , of the report of the committee on higher education ( 1961–4 ) chaired by Baron Robbins [ q.v. ] and of large-scale university expansion .
30 , John ( fl. 1415–1450 ) , composer , has left us about twenty compositions whose style proclaims him to have been a slightly younger contemporary of John Dunstable [ q.v. ] , perhaps a close disciple .
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