Example sentences of "he be on " in BNC.

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1 Chopper looks more like 'e 's on the run from Dartmoor than a bloody Salvation Army bloke . ’
2 She poured coffee , saying : ‘ He did n't pretend I was wrong about him being on the yacht that evening . ’
3 Well , cos with him being on night , I do n't suppose he got up till about
4 Doubtless most industrialists in the UK would concur , but where they might fall out with him is on the definition of ‘ robot ’ ( See Box below ) .
5 Where I differ from him is on the nature of the collection as a whole , which to me seems a collection of poems differing in method and indeed quality , written over a period of years , and having two distinct sequences , to the Friend and to the ‘ Dark Lady ’ .
6 Wait — an even more cherished memory of him is on the set at Wembley Studios after a particularly gruelling day shooting the ‘ Call to Confirm ’ commercial .
7 Confucius or Conrad or whatever you call him was on the doorstep .
8 The first time I met him was on radio .
9 So when I saw James ( true story this ) in Sainsbury 's , I walked up to him , leered , banged him on the elbow with a bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice and said , ‘ Tom Jones ! ’ because the last time I meet him was on the Tom Jones TV programme .
10 Has he been on any recent training courses to discuss this ? .
11 Had he been on his own , Harry thought as he drove out of Melton Mowbray market town towards Saxby , he would have taken Mrs Appleby with him to Maythorpe House .
12 Even Dalziel , who was facing him , had not noticed his arrival , so intent had he been on catching Marcus 's words .
13 The crucial question was : where had he been on the eleventh ?
14 Had he been on the Cardinal 's business or lying in ambush for Irvine ?
15 Has he been on it ?
16 You will sit anxiously on an undersized chair at parents ' evening , asking a teacher whether the child 's reading is really up to scratch and should n't he be on Blue Book Three by now ?
17 When in the course of my explanation I mentioned the word pagan , he jerked as if he were on the end of a wire .
18 They faced each other , Harry standing with his hands on his hips , Sir Gregory forcing back his shoulders as if he were on parade and trying to reassure himself of his own rank and standing .
19 It was almost as if he were on their side .
20 Marek 's tremble quickened , as though he were on the verge of taking a decision .
21 It made him look a little as though he were on safari .
22 He used to carry on as though he were on a level with Dersingham .
23 Rincewind took a few steps forward , cupidity moving him as easily as if he were on little wheels .
24 He was a thin , brown man with a brass stud at the neck of his striped shirt and a sad expression as if he were on the point of tears .
25 The drunken miller 's incoherency , " " as he were on the quakke " " ( 4152 ) recalls how Nicholas puts the equivalent of an ass 's head on John the carpenter by portraying him , absurdly , as a duck swimming above the Second Flood ( 3575 – 6 ) .
26 The young officer held a short leather stick in a gloved hand and occasionally thumped the side of his leg with it , as if he thought he were on horseback .
27 He were on er , he were on evenings last week were n't he ?
28 He were on er , he were on evenings last week were n't he ?
29 It did n't seem right , yet , looking at his face you 'd , she 'd thought he could have come home , but when you lifted the bloody sheets and then she 'd never seen anything like it , and then on the Monday morning , I stayed with him Sunday night and he were on morphine fusions and then on the Monday morning I woke up and mum had gone , when I looked at dad I thought to myself then I thought oh boy you ai n't gon na go now mum nipped home for a bath they said she could and it 'll be alright and they said
30 No , stuck it over David 's head , he were on the phone to a client , we took a photo , somebody took a photo of it , we knocked on the door we said David have you got a minute ?
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