Example sentences of "for [being] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The judge said that the officer was not on trial for being a ‘ faithless husband , womanising in his motor car or for breaching police regulations ’ .
2 In the 1960s psychiatry was attacked for being a form of social policing which , with the aid of pseudo-scientific categories , mystified socially desirable behaviour as natural , and undesirable behaviour as the result of abnormal psychosexual development ( a deviation from ‘ The Way to Healthy Manhood ’ ) .
3 In the British system , leadership of a major political party is the first requirement for being a Prime Minister .
4 He believes that each company needs to set its own targets for being a good corporate citizen , which can range from how much money should be donated to charities to making senior executives available for secondment to advise small businesses .
5 It is an amazing sight , the more so for being a waste of time .
6 These writers criticized the industry for being a second-rate imitation of Hollywood , but that was because they despised American cinema and the ‘ box-office bogey ’ , not because they appreciated the economic gap between the two industries .
7 At first you resent it , but then you get used to it , and it is good for being a creative writer .
8 He not only transforms sad friend , but maintains my reputation for being a resourceful problem solver .
9 ‘ You 'll have another King 's Cross disaster on your hands ! ’ shouted Sutton-who was immediately taken aside by station manager Henry Feathers and arrested by the police for being a nuisance .
10 He 's often slammed for being a ‘ spoilt child ’ , which seems to stem from a distrust of the fact that his music is play rather than ( good ) work .
11 He was known for his brilliance , for his razor-sharp mind and for being a wonderful preacher .
12 If such cells develop as they do because they contain only some of the genes — for example , just the genes for being a gut cell — then a nucleus from such a cell could not substitute for an egg nucleus .
13 Indeed , the visitor could be forgiven for being a little disappointed , although when it is floodlit at night the theatre very much comes to life .
14 ‘ So you said , but you can not blame Inspector Cotton for being a bit … surprised . ’
15 Forgive me for being a little cynical of that . ’
16 Hopper thought he was another Dean , and then became outcast from Hollywood within three years because he acquired a reputation for being a mean-like perfectionist .
17 One was for being a substitute in a local soccer cup final .
18 You wear the flag and everybody slags you off for being a Nazi .
19 ‘ I wear a White is Beautiful badge and get run in for being a racist … ’
20 Someone said that they had heard him suggest that all guests should be breathalysed at the door , for Rush had the reputation locally for being a more than usually dedicated policeman .
21 Since every manager negotiates at some time , what are the ideal characteristics for being a good bargainer ?
22 You could forgive Debby Cumming for being a not-so-youthful Alice as she stomped and skipped like the naughtiest girl in the class .
23 He says , ‘ The superintendent wo n't recommend me for being a policeman . ’
24 Should I rave on at him for being a litter lout ?
25 You may as well sleep under a hedge or in a doorway , and get arrested for being a vagrant , and get put in jail where you 'll be treated like muck but at any rate it 'll be warm and you 'll be made to have a bath .
26 ‘ It 's always been that — I 've known it all my life — you 've never forgiven me for being a girl — that 's why you love Bri and you do n't love me — you wanted a boy — you always wanted a boy and all you got was a girl — all you got was me ! ’
27 Nevertheless , I was given no monies , no form of compensation for the years of labour , of struggle , no consideration for being a pioneer of the business — which today is one of Glasgow 's best-known firms in the field of print and stationery .
28 If I pulled out he would probably do me over for being a chicken , but if I competed and beat him ( unlikely but not impossible ) … well , I might as well have booked my hospital bed then and there .
29 I mean , if the cheque bounced three times before your wah-wah pedal went wrong , can you really blame the dealer for being a trifle tardy with the repair … ?
30 You know , he 's railed against for being a schmaltzy pop grandpa , but the fact is all his Beatles bass playing is pretty incredible .
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