Example sentences of "for [v-ing] her " in BNC.

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1 He went bounding up the stairs , three or four at a time , praying to himself the room had n't been taken over by some amorous couple while he 'd been away , cursing himself for doubting her .
2 British tourist Stephen Profitt , who paid £200 for Lucky in Malta , was fined £100 yesterday for bringing her into the country without a licence .
3 Yet for the past two years , Zara has had almost inseparable on-court support from coach Michael Ferguson , who she warmly credits for bringing her to her current level .
4 During his absence Luce had had time to think about his reasons for bringing her here .
5 There are other delicious gestures drawing attention to the feet in La Fille Mal Gardée such as Mother Simone gently tapping her clogs as if thanking them for allowing her to show off her particular style of dance .
6 She turned on Walter Ash and reviled him for allowing her to hope , and indeed , despite the final outcome , it was his dangerous encouragement of this scheme that prefaced her final disillusion with him .
7 I told her he should be made to pay for what he 's done to her , for using her , for leading her on … . ’
8 He could have found some excuse for downgrading her .
9 The thought of entering the disaster area of an elderly widow 's grief and shouldering some of the responsibility for helping her to bear it , and to rebuild what is left of her life , is enough to create feelings of anxiety in anyone ; and admittedly this can be a very difficult assignment , for not only will you be well aware that you are unable to give her the one thing she really wants — the return of her husband — but you will feel , as we all do when faced with the bereaved , that their personality seems suddenly to have been crushed like a flower under the heel of a vandal , showing it to be so fragile and vulnerable that almost any attempt to revive it would seem to be doomed to failure .
10 ‘ Thanks for helping her .
11 She had known all along that DeVore would have some reason for helping her out .
12 And then she even thanked them for helping her .
13 ‘ Presumably she wishes to thank you for assisting her yesterday , after her accident . ’
14 For seeing her like this , so low-spirited :
15 Love says that most women 's reason for seeing her — apart from those who come on ethnic or religious grounds — is that they are more relaxed talking to another woman .
16 No wonder , then , that Mary of Guise could deal tolerantly with them ; for they had no grounds for opposing her .
17 Since the firm he works for won the contract for the Statue of Liberty , it has been responsible for protecting her from the ravages of harsh Atlantic weather .
18 There was a reasonable case to be made out for keeping her away from Nice .
19 She might fight him , resent him , even hate him for condemning her on Matilda 's word alone , but she could n't deny his need or her longing to satisfy it .
20 Do n't blame her , it 's my fault for pressing her . ’
21 ‘ If she 's so keen to save a spot of money then she wo n't thank you for cheating her of eight grand . ’
22 The fact that she had been the ship that had sunk the Rawalpindi and killed my father did not seem to me to be a valid reason for omitting her from the series , for apart from the utter impersonality of a modern sea battle , she was by far the most successful of all the major German surface ships as well as being the happiest .
23 She answered the telephone , thanked the Martellis for thanking her for the party .
24 What possible reason could a sane man have for thanking her for an evening that had never happened ?
25 Majorie gained B.Litt in 1948 and D.Phil in 1976 , and expresses gratitude to Somerville for enabling her to return to Oxford to work for this .
26 It was only as she rounded the corner that she remembered she had n't thanked him for walking her home .
27 Pride that demanded she ask Naylor Massingham for a better reason for sacking her than the fact that his cousin was making himself ill over her .
28 Oh , and you 'd better apologise to her , as well as to father , for insulting her .
29 By the end of this scene , however , Terentia expresses fulsome gratitude to Dycarbas for saving her from an uncle who had wanted to steal her inheritance .
30 There may be a case for replacing her with someone else later , having a series of nurses rather than a permanent one , in case she becomes overemotionally involved .
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