Example sentences of "for [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Last night a spokesman for Middlesbrough General Hospital said Katie was still in intensive care and ‘ poorly but stable . ’
2 We will miss Father who had a special place in his heart for Middlesbrough Diocesan Pilgrims .
3 I feel an opting-out system would be probably less distressing to the donor 's relatives ( who may find an approach for donation insensitive when they have just been told of an — often — unexpected death ) .
4 A reassessment of Fanon 's humanism has become necessary for reasons similar to my reconsideration of Gide 's and others ' essentialism in sexual politics .
5 For reasons similar to Miss E , they had not spoken before .
6 It is , of course , important to improve the trial process as much as possible but the trial can not be expected to offer an alternative to testing by way of re-investigation for reasons similar to those that led us to reject prosecutorial review as an alternative .
7 And thirdly , when buying out looked more likely from the 1960's onwards , as members increasingly voiced dissatisfaction at the Club 's management , some existing bondholders played hard to get , clearly reluctant in several instances and for reasons unrecorded , to give us what it had never been intended should be a permanent arrangement or the basis of an elite .
8 We had examples of other parents won over into trusting school staff and giving truthful instead of cosmetic reasons for the child 's absence — but keeping the child off , nonetheless , for reasons peripheral to the child ( such as ‘ going with granny to collect her pension ’ ) .
9 Witnesses may be anxious for reasons other than lying .
10 In the case of the RUC , domestic disputes are routinely attended for reasons other than law enforcement .
11 It was gently suggested to her that in future , for reasons other than decency , she should wear a pair of bikini pants when sunbathing .
12 We scoff at the pretentious person who buys the Tatler to exhibit it on the coffee table , so why should we not view with less than admiration the newspaper which bribes its readers to buy it for reasons other than its content ?
13 That is , they would consider an action to be right for reasons other than consequential .
14 Braverman goes further and suggests , with Marglin , that management will also endeavour to develop methods of working that involve operators in fragmented , or short cycle time , tasks for reasons other than efficiency .
15 For example , a child who has difficulty perceiving pictorial materials may be expected to have considerable difficulties with any test which uses pictures as part of the elicitation procedure for reasons other than poor linguistic ability .
16 First , the long term investor ( the one , Manne suggests , we should be most keen to protect ) must actually be selling for reasons other than to make a quick profit .
17 Freud 's hypotheses are not upheld : if the child is father to the man it is for reasons other than missing out on the breast and a too early acquaintance with the potty .
18 Very few women left the trade before retiring age for reasons other than marriage , ill-health , or care of a relative .
19 Some may have given the wrong answer for reasons other than conceptual difficulty : making a slip , an arithmetic error , misreading or not being able to read the question , not trying and so on .
20 Taking into account need for doctors ' services does not get round the problem that ‘ many of those with restricted activity may not visit a G.P. whereas others may visit a G.P. for reasons other than restricted activity . ’
21 A randomly selected sample of 159 children from this unit aged 14 years or under who underwent grommet insertion over the past six months showed that 39% ( 62 ) had the operation performed predominantly for reasons other than hearing disability , a point not even mentioned in the document .
22 It excludes intermediate awards ( the Certificate and Diploma ) and those students who have extended the course for reasons other than failure ( Table 2.2 ) .
23 In contrast , where the profit motive is absent , services are provided for reasons other than the pursuit of profit ; for example , they are provided for the welfare of individuals who can not afford to pay the economic cost .
24 ‘ Exploiting customers by levying higher charges than we could justify on grounds of cost or , worse , cheating them by using clandestine methods to raise interest rates on borrowing for reasons other than perceived risk would be the surest way to lose customers in what is , these days , a very competitive industry .
25 The ratio of saving to aggregate income changes for several reasons ; the level of aggregate demand generally increases over time , again for reasons other than the volume and cost of financial transactions .
26 SHEAN DORL Gazing at one 's reflection for reasons other than vanity
27 ‘ Unless it was for reasons other than cricket , one can not see an England team without his presence , ’ he said .
28 For a few to have money in abundance and others too little is the root of all social ills : it is the differential which results in unrest , riot , war , discrimination , class systems , crime , snobbery : the belief that one man is of more intrinsic value than another for reasons other than his temperament , his moral qualities , and his likeability .
29 We have not discussed one particular aspect before but it has happened that a client has withdrawn a company from sale for reasons other than the lack of an acceptable ( to the client ) buyer .
30 A child may appear before a hearing for reasons other than offences ; and he will have a disposal tailored to his needs for care rather than to the seriousness of the offence ; and a child may not only be put under a supervision requirement for reasons other than an offence , but he may remain under such a requirement for a period of years for reasons completely unconnected with breaches of the criminal law .
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