Example sentences of "for [pron] i " in BNC.

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1 For nothing I do , no emergency procedure I try , frees me from wherever I 'm pinned down , or gets me back inside her .
2 Yeah I know it 's easier no you must feel really gutted , I mean I would I know , because as you said , you going out for ten months yeah exactly , yeah , exactly I mean come on you really liked him fancied him loved him oh wow , I said love , love love , I do n't know love hey man yeah yeah it 's probably , you know like when you dumped him for Danny it 's just probably like that yeah exactly exactly , so do n't worry oh come on he ca n't give up ten months for nothing I know it has to end someday , but it does n't I mean it 's like everyone thinks like that , it really annoys me , everybody , right who 's about our age yeah , they just go out with someone knowing that one day it 's gon na end , they 're just waiting for the day , and that you know , you should go out with someone with the intentions of being with them forever I know that sounds pathetic , but it 's true , yeah I know , yeah exactly yeah , yeah I know , why do you think I said it ?
3 obviously we 've got to work together on all , are you listening to me ? , on all the different parts of the body , you want them all to come alive , okay , so , this week as I say we 're gon na concentrate on sound , sound , sound , sound , you 've got to play on sound that is the painting , I mean the , the pictures do you , alright that 's fine , at the same does n't matter we 've still got to work on different things , yeah , okay ? , erm , so , as I say we 're going to make a sound machine in different groups , now to give you an example , what I what you to do is be , I 'm going to give you a situation , give , choose a profession , okay , let's say we are in hospital , now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation , think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital , everyone to themselves just think of a sound , could be a patient screaming , it could be a heart machine , it could be , er exactly , could be that , could be absolutely anything , it could sirens , it could be anything , okay , for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay , everyone 's got a sound in their head ?
4 The person for whom I had left the message replied that he was sorry to hear of the death of our mutual friend .
5 He is a man for whom I have the greatest admiration .
6 He overlaps Wright 's territory in letters to John Heath Stubbs and the painter Patrick Swift ( Patrick Swift , for whom I write/These long delayed lines in a night/Given over to bad dreams … ) .
7 To Giles I 'm a ‘ Jeremiah ’ who should be capable of ‘ an act of faith ’ — act of lunacy , more like ; to Hans Haenlein and others I 've got incredibly deep pockets ; to Peter Davey , for whom I voted and who is now so far removed from ‘ the cultural gangsters ’ as to be a cultural kamikaze pilot , I need ‘ a heroic proposal ’ ; to Mervyn Miller I should n't ‘ surrender my birthright ’ — but I may have to sell it .
8 there would be a practical advantage in uniting some official knowledge of their wants as well as your artistic skill , on the one hand , with my own claims , whatever they may be considered to be , on the other ; and were they to honour us by proposing a joint appointment , I can only say that I should feel much satisfaction in undertaking this great work in conjunction with a brother Architect for whom I have so great a respect as yourself …
9 ‘ I go round to the three people for whom I 'm a key worker .
10 Not only am I forced to share bed and board with a woman for whom I feel nothing but disgust , but for my pains I have been branded a disreputable opportunist by all and sundry .
11 I was a member of NALGO from 1979 until the GLC was abolished , when I ceased to be a member for a number of reasons : 1 could not afford it , and because the company for whom I worked was not a Local Authority .
12 He taught me a lot and was also a good type of person for whom I always have had a very high regard .
13 When the Second World War broke out in Europe , it was difficult to get supplies of helpful books , and when the Japanese came into it after the disaster of Pearl Harbour , I myself , as well as the clergy and students for whom I had a pastoral responsibility , felt the need of prayers to meet the threatening danger , as well as the provision of prayers which would express a Christ-like spirit about war , enemies in war , dangers in war and sufferers in war .
14 your peace for those for whom I pray , and for
15 One of his new partners was Mr Barlow , M.P. , for whom I first worked .
16 However insignificant in myself I am the Representative on this question of no mean body in this country who would be … disappointed and chagrined at the suspension of the question — But further — and this is a consideration far more really influential on my Conduct — I can not but feel myself the Representative of a Body who can not speak for themselves and for whom I must act without other guide than my own Conscience .
17 Ken Coates , Nottingham 's MEP and my colleague at the Russell Foundation for whom I do some research , has raised the alert on this .
18 They were the faces of two entirely separate people , and try as I would to superimpose them they would n't focus into a single man for whom I had a single , straightforward feeling .
19 ‘ The one woman for whom I might almost leave my roulette table . ’
20 It is important to do justice to the situation , which necessarily involves a description of a very remarkable woman for whom I have considerable respect .
21 I told David Ennals , for whom I quickly formed some sympathy , that I would like to think about it .
22 My inclination was to decline , but as that would have been discourteous in the extreme to Wilson , for whom I then had enormous respect , I agreed to see him .
23 But anyway there was so many people and one chap who he he was , as a matter of fact , he was organizer with Communist Party for whom I 've got the very greatest respect , the very greatest respect .
24 Marriage to the Shah was , said Farah later , something of an unexpected challenge , " To marry a king — my king — the man for whom I and my friends felt such unbounded admiration , and whom we had so often watched , passing in some procession , while we cheered and waved flags …
25 I also enclose a bill you sent to the previous tenant of this flat , for whom I have no forwarding address .
26 ‘ Non , Inspector , everyone had the same — oh , save for the Prince of Wales for whom I made a special soup . ’
27 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
28 Even the kindest of souls , and the housekeeper for whom I work is certainly that , have no idea of the magnitude of the demands they make on one .
29 I am sure that my hon. and gallant Friend , whom I have known for many years and for whom I have a great affection , would agree that about half the best people are women .
30 I shall give way to the hon. Gentleman , for whom I have some affection , or to any other Labour Member who can tell me what part of that mandate I have reneged on .
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