Example sentences of "it or do " in BNC.

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1 No indication that anyone had been killed in it or done anything else in it but sit in it .
2 And unless you 're on the council you ca n't go there and state your case , you 've got to go through someone else , who maybe does n't understand it or does n't have feeling in it , and so it just does n't work really . ’
3 Does it say I 've got to do anything about it or does it say I 'm on it anyway
4 Well does it or does n't it ?
5 Do you hold a wet finger up to the wind and say that 's it or do you calculate what it is ?
6 All that wickedness , and you do n't have to explain it or understand it or do a bloody thing about it except put a stop to it .
7 As long as history is assumed to operate according to the protocols of a conventional logic , where a contradiction simply means you can not think it or do it as Hirst supposes , then it remains at the impasse he describes .
8 Yeah it 's not really careless is it it 's a question of do you know it or do n't I mean
9 Do you know how to spell it or do you need to guess .
10 Yes I know but do you eat it or do you just put it in to flavour it ?
11 Do I swallow it or do I , and I stood there debating over that was it , I went wheeuuu .
12 Do they actually listen to it or do you edit it or do they actually
13 Do they actually listen to it or do you edit it or do they actually
14 So I thought now what do I say , do I drop myself in it or do I say well that was n't , that was Roy , I said well you know I said I must admit I said I I 'm sorry so erm then Roy said well that battery he said was me he said I , I borrowed Geoff 's car again and look the battery fell over in it so I 'm gon na help him er then I sa , a piece of that bloody great went across our French doors and this , there 's a went across
15 We 'll take that mat out of the way So what if you did get a pound , if you did get a pound Claire would you , would you still save half of it or do you think you might save a bit less than half ?
16 Do you want me to explain it or do you want to read it out ?
17 You crush it or do you chop
18 Compulsory admission occurred where the doctor ascribed the sick role but the patient did not accept it or did not react at all .
19 Had he been a dunce at it or did his present situation , despite the opportunity it affords for the histrionics he so loves , make him feel like pawn ?
20 Did she imagine it or did a head of bronze curls pop round the door , and were a pair of peacock-blue eyes gazing at her with implacable hatred ?
21 Did he buy it or did the agents ?
22 Yes er somehow they , they 'd , they 'd got it , or was it or did I have to fill in a a census form just at the time when Paul was with me ?
23 much attention to it or did they , distract
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