Example sentences of "it would in " in BNC.

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1 In this way the local communities can continue as collective organic wholes yet their continuing existence does not challenge , as it would in other systems , the external dictatorial force of the State .
2 Until recently , public interest in the West has centred largely on the performances of the girls , as it would in any competitive sport .
3 And trouble may not mean just the change of ruling party that it would in Western Europe .
4 Life , as much as it would in such an uneventful place , carried on regardless .
5 ‘ Face-on ’ display is the method or arranging books so that the dust jacket is seen face-on as it would in bookshop display .
6 This would not end the wars , but it would in effect be a declaration from the Israelis announcing that whilst they intend to fight to keep the disputed territory , they are nevertheless admitting that their right to it is no different from that of anyone else , and until the world produces some better way than fighting , this is how they will-operate .
7 Certainly , I never imagined that it would in any way be see-through .
8 Thus , although it would in principle be possible to use the producer price indices for measuring the rate of inflation , it is more appropriate to regard them as indicators of the likely future trend of inflation .
9 Unfortunately , the clean/crunch and OD1/OD2 switching has to be done manually , and if this could be achieved via a footswitch it would in effect make this a four-channel combo with all the versatility which that implies .
10 He declined Dinah 's offer ; no doubt it would in any case be thought improper for two young ladies to drive a young man home .
11 The form can be made more flexible in English , ( the translator of Bashó0 has bent the rules considerably ) because it does not possess the same internal formal necessity as it would in Japanese , but try to stick roughly to the proposed number of syllables .
12 To the extent that such approaches may suggest the desirability of changing over to a counter-force nuclear policy , they escape from the moral frying-pan of counter-city targeting into the strategic fire of counter-force , which has the twin disadvantages that it might put a premium on first strike and that it would in any case result in frightful civilian losses .
13 To make things still worse , he added that it would in any case be quite useless for them to make plans without the king 's approval , for nothing could be achieved without his collaboration .
14 It would in fact be the first hot meal the Halflings had tasted in three weeks , ever since they said farewell to their kinfolk in the Moot and marched away to join the Emperor 's army .
15 It would in any case be difficult to derive the high Sr/Y , La/Yb ratios and low Y and HREE contents of these magmas by fractional crystallization of the main phases present in the rocks : plagioclase , hornblende and clino- pyroxene .
16 Far-fetched as the notion of a forge in the yard of every sizeable farm must seem , it would in principle have been perfectly consistent with fragmented and seasonal production .
17 Bolivia is no longer the tremendously cheap country it was five or six years ago , and anything organised expressly for foreign travellers costs almost what it would in Europe .
18 The life which Jesus advocated must have necessarily had an appeal to men rather than to women , for it would in many cases have put women in an impossible position .
19 A board of directors could not exist and act as a corporate entity if it were composed of two groups of people , each deriving its authority from and answerable to a different principal body , the one liable to be in conflict with the other ; for it would in fact be a negotiating committee .
20 It addresses the question whether it would in fact pay us to do the right thing .
21 It would in fact be a pretty salient idea , since we would have a lot of use for it , on many unhappy occasions .
22 If its percentage of second votes had been the same as the overall percentage of the constituency votes it then received , it would in 1983 have been guaranteed 165 seats instead of the 23 it actually won , and 147 instead of 22 in 1987 .
23 It would in some parts of the country be distributed over a wide area : the whole of East Anglia , for instance , with at present precisely 20 single-member constituencies , and in Scotland some considerably more extensive territories .
24 On the other hand , the marriage does not itself have support from wider society : ‘ There is less pressure for a couple to stay together because their break-up has little impact outside the domestic sphere and causes fewer ripples than it would in a society where kinship is more central to the wider social organization ’ ( Allan , 1985 , p. 104 ) .
25 At the very least it would in those circumstances have required the health authority to make a further application to the court to vary or discharge the injunction .
26 ‘ Moreover , on general principles , it would in my judgment be a plain interference with or usurpation of an owner 's rights by the customer if he were to remove a label which the owner had placed on goods or put another label on .
27 Thus it would be true to say that the source of these modern difficulties is indeed the market economy , but on the other hand , on the evidence of the attempts at distinctions , it would not be true — it would in fact be seriously reductive — to say that the general market order has transformed all cultural production into a market-commodity type .
28 Even a radical writer like Olive Schreiner appealed for women 's right to work , since it would in the end prove beneficial for the race , ‘ parasitical mothers ’ , she argued , produced ‘ softened sons ’ .
29 In this approach the particle is not supposed to have a single history or path in space-time , as it would in a classical , nonquantum theory .
30 In this approach , a particle does not have just a single history , as it would in a classical theory .
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