Example sentences of "it will need " in BNC.

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1 It 'll need an army to shift it ! ’
2 Four large screws make sure the tailpiece is securely located , and it 'll need to be , since all twelve strings anchor in its raised tail , so what looks like a decoratively machined brass rod at the back is in fact a dozen ball-ends grouped together !
3 I 've jus ' took it away from its muvver so it 'll need the warmth . ’
4 If Hark the Herald goes at the beginning , it 'll need a fanfare wo n't it ?
5 are much cheaper to fly but simply having more of them will push up costs so it 'll need about twice as many passengers .
6 If you can afford to have it shampooed professionally it 'll need doing less often .
7 ‘ It 's a big square thing , ’ said Dorcas , ‘ it 'll need eight of you at least .
8 ‘ When the time comes it 'll need to be decorated and furnished to show prospective buyers , and as you 've done such a great job on your own place I thought you might be interested , ’ Vitor explained .
9 It 'll need quite a sizable house to take the Maxwell bed .
10 You could put it along side that erm , if you put it stuck like that , it 'll need staking , put it on the wall on the fence .
11 no , no and it 'll need in America to dance
12 In hard winter areas it will need protection with cloches to continue cropping all through the winter .
13 A few seconds later as the aircraft gains more speed , it will need more forward movement to prevent it from unsticking with the tail-wheel or skid touching the ground , and climbing away too steeply .
14 Also , it will need to be kept straight on take-off ( see Swings and Roundabouts ) .
15 It estimates it will need about £200,000 and has been pledged £65,000 by the millionaire property developer Godfrey Bradman , chairman of the society 's Education Research Trust .
16 The vice-chancellors committee wants to consult polytechnic directors and the Government about ‘ how a full cost system might work ’ , recognising that it will need help to ensure that any changes , if made , increase opportunities and avoid hardship .
17 No indication has yet been given of the price of the G40 , but it will need to retail for less than £11,000 to keep the GTi in touch .
18 It will need a lot of technical assistance .
19 The UN reckons it will need to get 2.2m tonnes of food from outside this year , and wants another 1.6m for the rest of black Africa ( see chart on next page ) .
20 But Mr Zogby of the Arab-American Institute believes that the war in the Gulf , far from setting the cause back , may be a moment of opportunity : ‘ The United States ’ , he says , ‘ now knows that it will need to build bridges to the Middle East .
21 To get ministerial approval it will need to contain something for everybody , in the best tradition of EC compromises .
22 Certainly , it will need to work hard to make up for lost time ; the party has neglected the cause of democratic socialism in the North for far too long and it has allowed would-be Labour activists to become demoralised .
23 In the end it will need the writer of Jonah to recall the great truth which his people found , and which the Church still finds so hard to grasp , namely that God does indeed throw his largesse to all and sundry .
24 The performance , broadcast on Radio 3 , was by Ernst Kovacic with the BBC Philharmonic , conducted by Jerzy Maksymiuk , and seemed to do justice to a score so full of beautiful music that it will need several hearings before one begins to identify all its jewels .
25 Saturation coverage of three-and-a-half weeks of intense campaigning may have given way to non-stop reports of a complicated new chess game — as each main party , neither with an overall majority , manoeuvres to secure the support it will need to form the next Government .
26 The footwells need cutting and rewelding for a V8 , so it would be easier to repair yours at the same time as , if you buy a new bulkhead , it will need chopping and welding just the same .
27 British Gas holds to the opinion that it will need discoveries from both the Norwegian and UK sectors to meet future demand and that it will need to buy some 12,000 billion cubic feet of new supplies by the end of the century — some one-third of the amount British Gas projected it would sell .
28 British Gas holds to the opinion that it will need discoveries from both the Norwegian and UK sectors to meet future demand and that it will need to buy some 12,000 billion cubic feet of new supplies by the end of the century — some one-third of the amount British Gas projected it would sell .
29 Given that it will need to meet the costs of items such as :
30 As landlord it will have its own building surveyors and , as LEA , it will need some expertise in supplies , equipment , personnel , health and safety , accounting , VAT , computing management and the law .
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