Example sentences of "it he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , 'e spoke for about an 'our and at the end of it 'e asked for people to come forward and testify that they were saved .
2 His speech lasted three and a half hours ; most of it he read quickly in an even tone .
3 When Ferrar received it he read it over and over and kissed and embraced it , saying that he could not sufficiently admire it as a rich jewel , and most worthy to be in the hands and hearts of all true Christians that feared God and loved the Church of England .
4 I do n't know how much of it he read , but the entry for May 20th must have galled him because it told him that the potential wage-earner had spent much of the day in playing cricket .
5 On leading it he wrote :
6 On it he wrote ‘ S.H .
7 In it he wrote : ‘ I 'm sorry .
8 In it he expressed his own and his dancers ' sheer enjoyment of ‘ just dancing to music which cries out to be danced ’ .
9 In it he expressed the view that Jesus was our representative who reconciled us to God .
10 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
11 ‘ Get back ! ’ he yelled to the others behind him , but even as he said it he understood .
12 In it he insisted that ‘ worship requires serious effort , not only in the one who is to lead it , but in those who are to follow it and make it theirs ’ .
13 Beneath it he wore a T-shirt of quite astonishing filthiness .
14 Beneath it he wore black velvet leggings , and his feet were encased in black slippers , decorated with gold embroidery .
15 I , I do n't know what deciding though , I says , funny enough I said there were one just like this at Millaires and I did n't qualify where it was , but it he latched on to it and it 's er a posh place , you know , Millaires
16 Without realizing it he had let me know that using French words , however few and halting , has a bewitching effect upon everything in London , animate and inanimate alike .
17 If he produced a book about once every five years , he could pretend to have been working on it all that time , even it he had cobbled it together only in the last two or three months .
18 To achieve it he had to work on individuals , exploiting relationships which were not open , public ones : he could not have called a meeting to appeal to everyone 's obligations as a relative by descent and by marriage , as if these were of the same kind as those of a citizen , an Arab or a Muslim .
19 Next to it he had written : ‘ Use this if golf joke goes well ! ’
20 He remembered that Firelight had to feed it with milk , but where she kept it he had no idea .
21 What was it he had overheard that woman in the Lydsett stores saying ?
22 He had fought and intrigued successfully against the rebel barons of his father 's reign and at the end of it he had acted as viceroy until he took off on crusade again in 1270 .
23 He had invented the idea of the comedy at that moment , and to prove it he had to offer her a joke in evidence .
24 When he published the Combattimento in 1638 , in his book of Madrigali guerrieri ed amorosi , Monteverdi claimed in his preface that with it he had created a new genus of music , the stile concitato ( excited ) , whereas earlier composers had been content to express the molle ( soft ) and temperato .
25 She never walked on the beach , and without ever thinking about it he had assumed she did n't because she did n't want to spoil her shoes .
26 Karamani Mehmed Pasa ( Grand Vezir 882–6/1477–81 ) , pupil of another scholar vanquished by Hocazade and therefore ill-disposed toward him , told Mehmed II that Hocazade had complained of the climate in Istanbul , saying that because of it he had forgotten the learned works he had memorized , and that he had praised the climate in Iznik .
27 What was it he had said ?
28 At school he had been enthusiastic but undistinguished , and after it he had found himself in a polytechnic in the Midlands , in the state of paralysis of the imagination that tends to grip adolescents when the time for choosing a career looms .
29 ‘ What was it he had that made him mean so much to you in the war ? ’ asked Greg .
30 What was it he had told her in Tivoli ?
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