Example sentences of "it [vb mod] on " in BNC.

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1 Our local representative will make every effort possible to allocate separate beds when this is particularly requested but it may on occasion be impossible .
2 This is challenged by Hart who suggests that , far from simply being an example of the law enforcing a moral principle — for example the sanctity of human life — it may on the other hand ‘ perfectly well be explained as a piece of paternalism , designed to protect individuals against themselves ’ .
3 Relatively inexpensive , it may on the one hand inspire confidence in the wearer and on the other act as a tactile reminder that he/she has a bad knee .
4 That could only prevent the sheer miracle of grace from standing as it must on its own as God 's free and loving initiative and movement towards us .
5 It 'll on a Friday afternoon , Friday night
6 In no other state was the influence of military attachés so great and so formalised as in Germany ; but in others it could on occasion be significant .
7 The terminals worked on a line by line basis , with the screen information scrolling upwards just as it would on a teleprinter roll .
8 Mercury 's distance from the Sun , varying from between 29 and 43 million miles , would make the Sun seem three times bigger in the Mercurian sky than it would on Earth .
9 And yes , that fireplace gave me as much pleasure always as I had imagined it would on first sight .
10 It looks a lot better on me than it would on you .
11 Water is eight hundred times as dense as air , and the slightest bump or protuberance on the body can cause drag , more even than it would on a bird or an aeroplane .
12 They observe , however , that it would on any view be a grave impediment to the freedom of the press if those who print , or a fortiori those who distribute , matter reflecting critically on the conduct of public authorities could only do so with impunity if they could first verify the accuracy of all statements of fact on which the criticism was based .
13 You do n't need special equipment to hear the effect , so it should provide the same sensaround sound on your crappy hi fi as it would on an expensive job .
14 That means that the irrelevant suggestions being made by the European Commission for mandatory information for and consultation with employees would bear much more heavily on British business than it would on our major competitors .
15 You do n't need special equipment to hear the effect , so it should provide the same sensaround sound on your crappy hi fi as it would on an expensive job .
16 He said the council tax bill for expensive properties would be a much smaller percentage of the house value than it would on cheaper housing where the majority of people live .
17 As it would on the telephone , yes .
18 Here everything you 've lovingly inserted into your document , including fonts , graphics , columns , headers and footers , appears exactly as it will on the printed page .
19 Is the Secretary of State aware that the Opposition welcome the statements made by the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach at last night 's meeting , on the future progress of talks between the two Governments , and that Northern Ireland will be high on their agenda — as it will on the agenda of the Labour Government ?
20 Why are there grave areas , areas of uncertainty and responsibility erm Rivers Authority er Area Manager I believe , Mr er presented the position from their point of view er in particular circumstances on the night of thirtieth December er the er Southern Water whose responsibility is primarily sewage erm er describes circumstances that they have been contending with and a great deal of criticism erm was what we had to anticipate if you like or do anything er to contend with the unusual circumstances of that night erm the consequence was that a large number of new houses in the very close to the that runs through Barnham and under the railway there erm and er not ordinary surplus water flooding , but sewage flooding and the consequences then for many years er it 's obviously going to give , quite apart from having to live with it , er it will on the properties themselves and adversely affect er the ability of individuals to sell them off .
21 I need not pursue these issues further here , however , as the results already cited are enough to establish that , given appropriate circumstances , verbal pre-training can influence performance on a recognition task just as it can on a motor task involving discrimination among the pre-trained stimuli .
22 It can on demand change this to either Start to Start or Finish to Finish .
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