Example sentences of "it [was/were] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Two walls are broken by windows , a third is occupied by the fireplace ; a battered electric cooker and an old sink , which looks as if it were last used to dip sheep , stand on either side of another locked and bolted door .
2 On a were it last Sunday , yeah it were last Sunday when I took off , er Lisa always goes down to 'elp 'er , when , like what , you know when Eileen cut her finger , what did she do to her finger ?
3 I took her to school last week , anyway I think it were last Thursday
4 but I were n't sure where , I think it were last week it were gon na be
5 It was second best to a deal with a major label .
6 In terms of excuses , the jury was told , it was second only to the old chestnut that ‘ it fell off the back of a lorry ’ .
7 It was second nature to look at the linesman but I knew I was on . ’
8 Andy Partner appeared as a second half substitute for fellow youth team centre-half Paul Flowers , but it was second substitute Steve Ball who was quickest into the action .
9 It was second nature to him now to note the time by the illuminated dial of his electric bedside clock before he had switched on his lamp , a second after he had felt for and silenced the raucous insistence of the telephone .
10 It was second nature to weigh up a situation and draw conclusions but this was not just another news story , this was different .
11 If the plaintiff 's solicitor has to swear an affidavit of service he must specifically state that first class post was used , otherwise the court will presume it was second class post .
12 He either did n't believe her , or was so unused to accepting answers unquestioningly that it was second nature for him to delve into the nitty-gritty .
13 At that time , Lincolnshire was the second largest county in England but it was thirteenth in terms of population ; it had only 208,557 people in 1801 and 407,222 fifty years later .
14 As Bernard Joy has observed , ‘ it was twentieth century , terse , exciting , spectacular , economic , devastating . ’
15 If we 'd won it was 2nd place .
16 Leonard was but 21 when it was first published , though the poems were culled from his output from 15 to 20 years of age , according to an interview he gave to Andrew Tyler of Disc in 1972 .
17 It was first noted in Ballet Imperial ( 1941 ) when every time a scale-like passage in the second movement of Tchaikovsky 's Piano Concerto No. 2 is played , the three soloists link hands to make two arches through which the corps de ballet ‘ ran round the houses ’ ( Edwin Evans ) .
18 It was first made by Dauberval when staging La Fille Mal Gardée .
19 Docklands historians say it was first shipped out to thirsty expats in the Far East from Hodgson 's brewery in Bow in 1734 .
20 ‘ I was so young when it was first diagnosed that I ca n't really remember a time without it .
21 The ministry said yesterday that it was first warned by the Dutch on November 1 that 550 tonnes of Indian rice bran contaminated with lead sulphate had come via Rotterdam to Teignmouth in Devon .
22 Look through the south door to the garden and there , across the moat , the formal garden of yews and allées stretches towards the downs just as it did when it was first laid out .
23 is the traditional cheese of Wales , although it was first made as recently as the 1880s .
24 In 1945 , Lucian Oldershaw , with E. C. Bentley a member of the History Eighth at St Paul 's when it was first created in July 1893 , recalled Thomas at school and during his early days at Oxford :
25 So long as , in the end , our grasp of them rests upon reason , we have knowledge , no matter how it was first suggested .
26 It was first systematized by Gratian of Bologna in the twelfth century .
27 The principles of TL dating are here outlined for pottery , for which it was first developed ; its extension to other materials is discussed later .
28 But it remains perfectly understandable , both in terms of the development of the larger narrative , and with regard to the situation of the generation for whom it was first compiled .
29 It was first improved into Britain two years ago , and the first Norwegian Red crosses were born here last year .
30 It was from such lofty horizons that it was first introduced in 1839 and it has been in and out of gardens ever since .
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