Example sentences of "it [is] taken " in BNC.

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1 The first speech is from Shakespeare and it 's taken from the Chorus in Henry …
2 John Fordham on the Miles Davis session it 's taken four years to release and the week 's other albums Twisting , teasing trumpet Jazz .
3 The minute it 's taken , though , Hall is off into the VIP trailer from which he walks straight onto the set .
4 The only real surprise about Danny Rampling 's fine debut single ‘ I Hate Hate ’ is that it 's taken so long for a DJ of his reputation to commit himself to vinyl .
5 And everywhere you look there 's evidence of the back-breaking work it 's taken to create this landscape .
6 I do n't count all the deer I 've bumped into since it 's taken for granted you 'll see a few of the elegant beasts galloping away over the heather no matter which hill you 're on .
7 Oh no , damn it , it 's taken .
8 It 's taken my breath away ! ’
9 It 's taken care of .
10 They write out a cheque but it never gets cashed for it 's taken back at once .
11 And in the time it 's taken you to read this , it 's sold out .
12 I 'm just surprised it 's taken two weeks . ’
13 He confesses he found the book 's success unreal and it 's taken several years to find level ground again .
14 It 's taken gravity-defying tightrope walking by boxing authorities to keep the title unified , even if it is once again threatening to be shattered into pieces by Bowe 's refusal to honour a deal to immediately defend against Lewis .
15 It 's taken longer than I thought to get as far as this .
16 In fact , it 's taken 4 years and £600 million to create to the new Peugeot 605 range .
17 It 's taken the most advanced microprocessor technology available today to create a range of instruments that at long last combine absolute accuracy and reliability with … simplicity !
18 It 's taken the fun out of being a model .
19 Richard believes his playing at matches inspires the team and he said : ‘ I did it for a laugh at the first home game but now it 's taken off .
20 It 's taken this long to get over it and , as many good athletes have discovered to their cost , the temptation has always been to carry on training .
21 It 's taken Denim two years to finally ‘ hit the scene ’ .
22 The idea took shape some five years ago in the back room of London 's Bull & Gate , and it 's taken until now to get it on the road — for 32 days only .
23 ‘ Very nice , ’ said Joe , eyeing the purchases , she 'd set out on the bed , ‘ but explain why it 's taken you all day . ’
24 Now , however , it is refusing to confirm that the trials have actually gone ahead , saying only that ‘ It 's taken longer than we anticipated ’ .
25 nQue Technologies Corporation , a small Silicon Valley start-up , has mapped out a wholly different approach to the Windows-on-Unix issue so wily and obvious it 's amazing it 's taken the industry this long to come up with it .
26 NQue Technologies Corp , a Santa Clara County start-up , has mapped out a wholly different approach to the Windows-on-Unix issue so wily and obvious it 's amazing it 's taken the industry this long to come up with it .
27 Well , if you sent your money fairly recently , it 's probably still sitting in their offices unopened — Turbosoft still hold the lease on the building , and until it 's taken over by another company the GPO have no authority to recover and redirect mail .
28 The fact that the committee was not merely an hierarchical instrument of management , but represented all departments and a range of statuses , was also felt to be an advantage : Very luckily we 've got quite a few Scale 1 younger teachers , people with new ideas , possibly … and it 's taken up , quite well … it 's quite respected now .
29 When it 's taken on its own , the body becomes reliant on further doses of the drink , an addiction that leads to hyperactivity , personality changes , compulsive behaviour , short term memory loss , and eventually the total disintegration of the brain . ’
30 It 's taken five years of your life , but at least you 're getting your just rewards now . ’
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