Example sentences of "it [is] night " in BNC.

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1 That lilting strain , it 's night again ,
2 IT 'S night time .
3 That 's west unless we 're off course , in which case it 's night ; the King gave me the same as you , the King gave you the same as me : the King never gave me the letter , the King gave you the letter , we do n't know what 's in the letter ; we take Hamlet to the English King , it depending on when we get there who he is , and we hand over the letter , which may or may not have something in it to keep us going , and if not , we are finished and at a loose end , if they have loose ends .
4 It 's night , and the fire is giving a great , flickering light …
5 You 've got to wait till it 's night . ’
6 It 's night , it must be night now .
7 Once it becomes night what happens ? what happens when it 's night ?
8 It 's night because it 's shaded .
9 It 's night .
10 Jimmy Magilton 's free kick against Derby … a real flyer … it 's night time its winter back with you here it 's summer and the early morning in the Australian outback … this is the stage for the solar challenge … and behind us is the longest racetrack in the world for cars … cars that run on sun power alone … driving for britain driving for a world first are a team of adventurers from Central South … this is their solar challenge …
11 But it 's night .
12 and then er she ca n't be a member , but take her to bowls and then bring her here , she goes to bingo on a Tuesday and a Thursday , but the point is it 's night time , so if we can fill her days in a bit
13 Yeap , it 's night scented stock .
14 It 's night .
15 It 's night .
16 That 's right , it 's night time .
17 The sun has chased away the shadows of the night , but what , when it is night again ? ’
18 During the flight you are advised to sleep or nap if it is night time .
19 During the flight try to sleep if it is night time at your destination and , when it is daytime there , try to stay awake — find somebody to talk to , a book to read or watch the in-flight movie .
20 ‘ So you will have no way of knowing how much time has passed , whether it is night or day , even which day it is .
21 It is night .
22 Firstly it is night , and secondly it patently is n't nice .
23 The clouds suck together in one last inhalation , then it is night .
24 We think it is night time when in actual fact morning has well and truly broken .
25 Do not regard me from ( the standpoint of ) your infirmity ; to you 't is night , to me that same night is morningtide .
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