Example sentences of "it [det] look " in BNC.

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1 It all looked so close , so welcoming , so immediate .
2 It all looked so simple .
3 It all looked like an enlarged version of those laboratory mazes they let rats loose in .
4 It all looked innocent enough .
5 From where I was sitting , it all looked fine .
6 It all looked very different a few years ago .
7 It all looked so familiar .
8 At the time , with a human hand almost brushing his head , it all looked a lot different .
9 Each pigtail had a blue satin bow at the end of it and it all looked very pretty .
10 Goibniu thought it all looked very nice .
11 It all looked so carefree , so enticingly Mediterranean and relaxed , that Caroline suddenly longed to be able to forget her business , abandon all her years of hard work , hop on board one of those yachts and sail off indefinitely towards the hazy blue horizon …
12 Business went well and it all looked possible .
13 The bridesmaids carried a loop of ribbon and a rose matching their dresses , and Claudia smiled as she saw how effective it all looked .
14 It all looked very disorganised but Corbett knew that Couville could select any document he wanted in an instant .
15 It all looked to Theodora like a flourishing concern .
16 It all looked delightfully cosy , with an en-suite bathroom , but Kate backed out of the room as quickly as if she 'd walked into a pit full of rattlesnakes .
17 There was a mishmash of furniture , sofas , rugs , and it all looked enviably comfortable .
18 It all looked moderately intriguing .
19 Erm , the only time it was really good in my area was when Urban District Council did it with a little chap pushing a barrow and cutting the grass and it all looked absolutely beautiful .
20 It all looked easy enough for Gloucester at first .
21 It all looked good at the start , but trouble came when Steve White went into a challenge with Brentford 's Keith Millen .
22 Travelled mile after mile , but it all looked the same
23 I thought it all looked lovely !
24 In both these shows , there 's an odd sense of being in some sort of parallel universe : it all looks the same , but the power structure has been weirdly distorted .
25 There 's this one with candles on the table in these little glass bowls , and it all looks cosy and nice .
26 THE HONEST old hired hand who has seen it all looks you unwaveringly in the eye .
27 ‘ The times I have gone shopping , left him babysitting , to arrive home four hours later and it all looks exactly the same or worse .
28 It all looks very intriguing !
29 Of course in the summer it all looks alright ;
30 It all looks so different to me , she thought .
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