Example sentences of "it [modal v] need " in BNC.

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1 If Midland does tie the knot with Hongkong and Shanghai Bank , it may need some help up the aisle .
2 With these developments , BR reckons it may need an extra £300m from the government to balance its books for 1990–91 .
3 It may need to be tailor-made , and therefore it 's best left to the experts .
4 The heater matrix on the SIII commonly blocks up if it is used with hard water so it may need cleaning out by a radiator specialist or replacing as flushing with cleaning chemicals is not very effective .
5 It may need hosing at high pressure to get rid of any surface slime .
6 Second , it may need to make itself distinct from other species with which it shares its living space .
7 However , if the unit is to be sited some considerable distance from the water supply , it may need to be thicker to prevent excessive voltage drop — loudspeaker wire , for example .
8 Keep the fridge temperature below 5C ; it may need adjusting if you 're storing more food .
9 But where the strings pass through the body , the holes have opened up , so it may need a new wooden bridge plate or something placed underneath the table .
10 In such cases it may need to be supported at the level of verbal consciousness , and , like grieving as the gateway to reattachment , should not be prematurely foreclosed .
11 Have a look at the seat against which the washer is forced when the tap is closed — if it 's badly scored it may need regrinding , or the new washer wo n't be very effective .
12 The point , once obvious , has ceased to be that , and it may need to be restated .
13 Even DEC may find that it may need to hang on to its V.3.2-level Ultrix rather longer than it intended : it says that so far about 500 of the 3,000 Ultrix applications are being converted for OSF/1 , which does n't sound like unbounded enthusiasm on the part of the industry .
14 NCube Inc , one of the small band of sturdy massively parallel processing pioneers , reckons that it may need to crash the entry price of its machines to popularise the concept , and last week announced the nCube 2E series , starting with just eight and going to 128 of the company 's proprietary processors , with an entry price of $30,000 .
15 Taste for seasoning — it may need sugar — then stir in , a little at a time , the mustard .
16 The product may be difficult to pack or it may need to be kept under refrigeration .
17 It is likely , in general , that advertising can build on the strengths , but that it may need improvements to the physical product to eliminate the weaknesses .
18 Thus it may need to borrow money , and its ability to do so may potentially be affected by an attack on its creditworthiness .
19 Or it may need to employ staff , and a statement that it engages in discriminatory employment practices may potentially affect its ability to attract staff of the right calibre .
20 I am sure my husband would not mind if your daughter came but it may need to be the ( comfortable ) sofa for a night !
21 It may need more general contextual information to discriminate between words , yet it has to provide the words that determine that context .
22 It may need no more than a discussion session , or a change of emphasis introduced at an appropriate point to allow this to be covered .
23 If the purchaser is a listed company it may need to apply for a listing of the consideration shares .
24 ( 11 ) Where the bidder proposes to issue consideration shares , loan stock or debenture stock which are to be listed it may need to prepare listing particulars ( see para 17.1.3 below ) .
25 Erm there 's also a view been expressed that well if you 're going to have it it may need some more guidance than is presently written into it .
26 That it should need to be exorcised in that fashion , however , or at all , still leaves it looking potent , richly formative and far from innocent , and the fiction that ultimately emerges from it is ex-academic in much the same sense that it is ex-socialist .
27 It should need no stressing that even today , when more and more actors ( those in work ) are aiming at the regular working-day/mortgage belt , affairs , amours and just plain sex inside a company is not unknown .
28 All being well I see no reason why it should need attention in the future
29 Ruthless and totalitarian , of necessity , yet also in the long run cherishing the human race , although it must needs manacle the minds of men ; absolutely , as never before .
30 If the organisation did all customer liaison work from head office it might need fewer managerial staff .
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