Example sentences of "it [be] there " in BNC.

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1 Had it been there always ?
2 How long has it been there ? ’
3 how long ago , I mean how long has it been there ?
4 Different groups exist within the power bloc of any society , but this power bloc and the groups within it are there because of their objective/structural position in relation to capital .
5 If it were there , Ferris would find it .
6 it were there many shops there ?
7 Was it were there many seats ?
8 Michael said it were there at erm five to twelve , when he erm quarter past twelve when he come out of work they got in it .
9 I got an eyelash stuck right inside fold , and I could n't er shift it for love nor money , it were there about two or three days before I went to doctors .
10 Is it , is it being there ?
11 much trouble or anything , but it was just the fact of it being there .
12 David find it being there ?
13 The thing is it 's there .
14 Naturally this will include transcendental subject-matter if it 's there , and recognize the moments where this sweeps all before it .
15 It 's there now .
16 The first step on the path to beating the problem — as with any addiction — is to acknowledge it 's there .
17 It 's there all of the time , but it comes out the clearest when all the ‘ dramatic inflections , subtle stresses and sympathetic accents ’ ( Barthes ) , all the art of the singer , are abandoned , fall away , when Prince swoons , sounds like he 's on the brink of insensibility .
18 It 's there as a choice , a reproach , and its remoteness from the secular pop world is a sign of its success .
19 ‘ We all marvel at the Red Kite , ’ says Gareth , ‘ But we do n't marvel at the little beetles which are the reason it 's there . ’
20 ‘ You do n't have to switch on the computer , load the program and recall a file from disc — you just switch on and it 's there , ’ Lyndon-James says .
21 As Bob Hope said of the Stealth bomber , ‘ If it is supposed to be invisible to radar , why do n't we just not build it and tell the Russians it 's there ? ’
22 It 's there .
23 It 's there now .
24 It 's there for the taking by anyone with a suitable decoder .
25 One needs to take it while it 's there . ’
26 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
27 But it 's there .
28 And it 's there now .
29 ‘ It 's been with me so long that I forget it 's there , but it can be a bit off-putting to strangers . ’
30 The real user bonus from this setup is that once you 've found your desired sound and stored it , it 's there for use any time , always consistent and accurate , but with scope for ‘ fine-tuning ’ to suit the gig .
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