Example sentences of "it [be] i " in BNC.

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1 So what , what , what could it am I right in saying that it 's related to the , the work that you 're doing is related to the particular circumstances the particular problems that people living in flats have had ?
2 I 'm never gon na , I 'm never gon na learn learn it by concentrating on how I 'm gon na do it , I 'm just gon na have to sing it the way it is because I 'm not gon na learn to do it am I ?
3 It looked as if they were waiting for somebody , could it be me ?
4 Lord , do n't let it be me speaking .
5 " The whole thing 's a farce , of course , they 've known and loathed each other for years , but the official version of this world-shaking meeting of titans has to take place in public where it can be duly recorded — and one of us must be there , and why should it be me on a Sunday morning when I 've got an angelic assistant ?
6 ‘ But why should it be me ?
7 Will it be me and Dave that are doing the interviews then , cos he 'll be doing the what is it the race relations side and no doubt I 'll be doing the
8 It was for nitrate , one of the least concerns for most fishkeepers ( should it be I wonder ) but high on the list for marine fishkeepers who probably use mainly specialist outlets .
9 If it wuz me lyin' there , my Ruthie 'd be ransackin' the house lookin' fer the insurance policies , t'check they wuz payed up t'date .
10 However , he concludes sportingly : ‘ If it were me , I 'd buy an Apple Macintosh . ’
11 ‘ Frankly , if it were me , I would .
12 if it were me , if it were you , we 'd drink up
13 If it were me I should want to … ’
14 yeah I think the er what I , if , if it were me , I 'm not saying this is the , you know , the way to do it , if it
15 It were me that realized we 'd fetched wrong ones , not Des .
16 Anyway because I were there with them you see he thought it were me that had got it and I says I have n't got it .
17 If it were I am sure we could find a way to beat it , such as having a weaker link to the ‘ feeder so that it will break away when snagged .
18 Oh yeah , lots of stuff made for the Army and and and they did n't know , I mean the manufacturers s sent the work to the hosiery dye- yards they they did n't know what they were sending or what they got , they just churned it all out and and that was it you know it were I could a lot of things about that .
19 Oh it were I play a bloody tune on it bloody snake charmer
20 By my judgement as the amendment reflects is that it is n't necessary but if it were I would have no hesitation s whatsoever in increasing the level of taxation to pay for what needs to be paid for .
21 Aw , hell , said the slut in her , it 's me she 's come to see not a tidy flat .
22 It 's me .
23 It 's me again , is Catherine there yet ? — This is Catherine , Duncan , she answered coldly .
24 Earlier , Malcolm Pyrah had won the first Olympic Talent Spotters Championship on It 's Me and , though he does not believe the small seven-year-old chestnut is potential Olympic material , he echoed the widespread praise for this new series of competitions .
25 Speed was required last night , and It 's Me won the £3,000 first prize by 0.98sec from Marie Edgar on Everest Sure Thing .
26 ‘ Are you sure it 's me that muddles her ?
27 Sonja helps me look after Marie , but mostly it 's me , cos Sonja 's pretty busy in the kitchen .
28 It 's me . ’
29 ‘ Yes , it 's me , and I can hear you . ’
30 At this point a rather anaemic looking face with a halo of rather greasy looking blonde curls , poked his head out of the window , looking down at me lying flat on my back and said , ‘ It 's me , who are you ? ’
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