Example sentences of "it [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally she was caught for a fraction of a second with images of a pig 's cot wall with a black cat on it or a square stone chapel silhouetted in Sunday dusk , but these were inconsequential visitations , debris from the past uncovered by the rhythms of a particular song or the set and angle of a passing face , a passing mood .
2 I could n't work out whether it was a band playing it or a record but that tune will always be associated with the trip to Saltburn .
3 I would n't have minded if I 'd had a bump on my head , a cross on it or a bullet through it .
4 Since I assume that readers will be familiar with the problem , this chapter will not be a straightforward restatement of it or a listing of offensive usages .
5 A recipe for it or a description of this beguiling dish of peppers , onions , tomatoes and eggs appears in every one of his books , even down to the booklet commissioned from him by the Romary biscuit firm and which sold for sixpence .
6 Either that report or a summary of it or a basic valuation prepared from the same materials is used by the building society for the purposes of section 13 .
7 The Suffolk 's head is big with a broad forehead , and often with a star on it or a shim or blaze down the face ; the neck deep in the collar and tapering to a graceful setting of the head ; the shoulders long and muscular and thrown well back at the withers .
8 Well we had a old wooden crane aboard the dredger , that was all hand power , that 's just the old wooden derrick and when they got up to the , up to the dock , they had a , cos they had a crane paint with it or a steam crane .
9 it or a formula in it .
10 The various classes of ordinary business investor are : ( 1 ) A company that has , or has a holding company or subsidiary that has , net assets or a called up share capital of £5,000,000 ( or , if it or a holding company has over 20 members , £500,000 ) ; quoted companies and their subsidiaries are therefore almost always ordinary business investors .
11 A is a trustee of property for B , i.e. A has a legal right which he is bound to use for B's benefit ; B is said to have an equitable right to it or an equitable estate in it .
12 If the money falls in law to be repaid , a direct order for its repayment is more appropriate than a declaration that it should repay it or an order setting aside a refusal to be repaid .
13 You never used it where a fist would do or a belt would do .
14 She took a silver pin and inserted it where a dart was marked with a black V and a dot .
15 Well there are ways are n't there I mean even in traditionally , I mean what of wet-nursing I mean that 's an example is n't it where a woman gets another woman to do the job for her .
16 The box hedge is solid as a wall as far as the corner , but just round there it ends , and that short side is privet , and there 's a place in it where an old wicket 's been taken out , and the gap has n't grown in completely yet .
17 Evolution must surely have seen to it that a good proportion of our thoughts are true of the world , and so in some simple sense the mind must perform computations which record the world and direct our behaviour appropriately .
18 I had the feeling on reading it that a dam had just burst , and that she had a great deal more to say .
19 How was it that a major piece of canal engineering came to be constructed on one of the least profitable stretches of a minor and dilapidated canal , in the heart of rural England , at a time when the prospects for canals were at their gloomiest ?
20 Whatever the reason , you will have to take my word for it that a hill-walk is still an exhilarating day out even when you ca n't see a thing .
21 What possible sense can there be in a legal rule , for example , which has it that a woman is presumed fertile even though she is past menopause or has undergone a hysterectomy operation ?
22 How is it that a large cavern with a high roof may be formed underground ?
23 Probing questions are asked : Why is it that a number of students , broadly successful across most of their subjects , have all done badly in …
24 ( Rumour has it that a diet of Scottish scones and cookies can alleviate some of the effects of lead .
25 The Stewarts had another residence , in Renfrewshire , and it was while they were visiting it that a tragedy occurred .
26 Why is it that a specific person has the indefinable ‘ It ’ and another has not ?
27 Somewhere in the middle of the fifteenth century , legend has it that a little girl was tending sheep here when a young lady came to play with her .
28 But rumour has it that a sevens tournament is going to be organised in Moscow in September to decide who takes over the Soviet place : Russia , Ukraine , Georgia , Latvia or Kazakhstan .
29 Exasperated with all this pussy-footing , and knowing of Mountbatten 's wishes that what he had said should be known , I saw to it that a transcript of the Suez programme reached my friend Bernard Levin at The Times , and he published the core of it in two long articles .
30 It is as if each writer had taken the memory of some powerful event ( the terrible shock of being woken by a piercing noise ; discovering the ‘ magical ’ properties of magnets ) and daydreamed in such a concentrated way about it that a group of people , a situation , a story began to emerge .
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