Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is a marvellous yarn , and it evokes quite brilliantly both the atmosphere of the House of Commons and the motives of men seeking political power .
2 Most other scientists , however , were willing to accept quantum mechanics because it agreed perfectly with experiment .
3 The Sola grill is different , it grills so evenly , there 's been nothing to beat it in 25 years .
4 Her palace-church , begun a few years later , was an imperial and dynastic protest and a declaration of her own family 's higher qualifications for the throne , as the proud sentences of the poem inscribed within it make abundantly clear .
5 And it , it pooing all over , the house stank
6 Some may not like this idea , because it veers away from established convention , but it 's quicker , plus it saves the hassle of breaking a string peg at an important moment and being left dangling , so to speak .
7 There 's very little chance of it catching unawares .
8 Now then , where , where are you feeling it catching just now ?
9 It testifies both to a new realism in Moscow 's approach to the country 's profound economic crisis , and acknowledgement by the Western financial community that red-blooded free market therapy can not alone provide the answer .
10 It is a body that simultaneously defines the continents and divides them from each other ; at the same time it knits together some of their distant and improbably linked civilizations , as well as their anthropologies and histories .
11 Had the allegation been less specific — had it referred only to " certain police officers in Oxfordshire " , for example — the Banbury officers would not have been able to prove that what was published related to them .
12 This County Council failed to do it from the time , time it was formed until eighty-five ; it failed even to address the problem , never mind do it , and we 've been trying to , to sort of do some catching up .
13 It failed however , to make up for the ravages of a year of unremitting economic gloom , no matter how many green shoots the media and some pundits were determined to see in the crowds of shoppers that hit the stores on bank holiday Monday , 28th December .
14 It was a disgraceful piece of television , in as much as it failed completely to set one point of view against another so that genuine truth could emerge .
15 However , it failed financially and ceased publication .
16 Yeah , just rewire it up , just try it for er , you know , I mean it failed straight away , if it do n't fail within half an hour then your er you know what it is , save yourself getting a switch .
17 But it failed comprehensively to push through various plans for mergers between the assemblers .
18 It failed really to come to grips with the contribution which voluntary organisations could make to a pattern of services .
19 It failed miserably and after rancorous and protracted argument with Arsenal , he was transferred to Portsmouth in the lower depths of the English Second Division .
20 The introduction of the community charge was a desperate attempt to save the skin of the Conservative party in Scotland , and it failed miserably because of the sense of social justice in the Scottish philosophy .
21 It failed miserably .
22 The Life did n't just fail , it failed spectacularly .
23 And it applied also to the Chartists — ‘ A nation can not become free and at the same time continue to oppress other nations ’ .
24 Section 7(1) could be construed as applying to previous enactments , but it was argued that it applied also to subsequent enactments .
25 Prior to that date , it applied also to non-private customers .
26 This was especially true of the Fire Service , our immediate neighbours , and it applied equally to those in the adjacent Gateshead Borough Police and Northumberland Constabulary , who were always talked of as being a lesser breed of mortals .
27 It applied equally to the Galapagos Archipelago where the ancestors of Darwin 's finches had on arrival resolutely stuck to their islands and refused to travel short distances across water to interbreed and had consequently evolved into thirteen distinct species .
28 The principle of the ‘ right to work ’ was extended to ‘ the right to work for all adults irrespective of age ’ ; but it applied only where the labour of older workers was needed in addition to the full employment of younger men with families ( Roberts 1954 ; Green 1963 ) .
29 The EC-IBM 1984 agreement was also dated in that it applied only to mainframes ( specifically the IBM 370 series and successors ( which were now of less than their previous dominant significance .
30 It applied only prospectively and did not have the effect of rendering unlawful conduct which had previously been lawful .
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