Example sentences of "to be one " in BNC.

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1 Yet panels have to be one above the other , not side by side .
2 Among the exquisitely pungent thoughts of self , of responsibility and tradition , stands the one who was powerfully driven by his sensual nature , by his personal loneliness , by the intense need to be one not only with the One , but also with the many in human completion .
3 Thus the Protestants preserved their future , although it was to be one which mimicked , in smaller fashion , the tragedy of Lebanon .
4 It may not be a legal partnership , but it ought to be one ethically .
5 The government 's strategy increasingly appears to be one not of reducing expenditure but of containing the rise in costs , targeting benefits on the most needy , and encouraging a redistribution of the burden to the private sector .
6 There was a man born among these Jews who claimed to be , or to be the son of , or to be one with the something which is at once the awful haunter of Nature and the giver of the moral law .
7 To be European in Italy is a logical extension of what is already assumed to be one 's natural multiple identity within a family , a city , a region and a nation .
8 A political life that is constantly framed in sporting terms , and which celebrates successes with high-fives and backslapping , is unlikely to be one that many women find congenial .
9 One could imagine the room to be one in Bacon 's House of Solomon , about which Joseph Glanvill remarked that it was ‘ a prophetic scheme of the Royal Society ’ .
10 First , there is no denying the tragedy of separated Christians , and I for one long for the Church to be one .
11 ‘ I wouldn't. ever want to be a princess , ’ Dot sometimes said , because she wanted so much to be one .
12 I do n't believe you to be one .
13 The loss of a significant relationship through death is , however , likely to be one that we have not been able to prepare for much in advance , and it is likely to be a loss that we do regret .
14 As the Prayer Book enjoined in the Notes appended to the Communion Service , ‘ every Parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the year , of which Easter to be one ’ .
15 No wonder nobody wants to be one .
16 This may be compared with the conception rate for Down 's Syndrome , which is thought to be one in 200 .
17 And they , knowing me to be one not prone to exaggerated statements , well understood that something of an extraordinary nature was impending .
18 The best alternative use is likely to be one that not only leaves the exterior of the building unchanged , but one that involves minimal subdivision of the interior .
19 The twist in the story of river and wetland management in our own times was to be one in which drainage men were faced with a new army ; an army which , unlike that of the commoners who had opposed their predecessors , was to grow stronger with every passing year .
20 Either she was a Madonna and people did n't give her credit for being one , or else she was trying to be one and people were trying to stop her or possibly she was being forced to be one against her better judgement .
21 She saw the only viable feminist film practice to be one that breaks up the familiar structures of visual pleasure , thus exposing and problematising the habitual violence which is the male gaze .
22 Step 4 If the problems are different for each side or the solutions each side wants do not coincide then the bargaining is likely to be one involving conflict , that is based on I win , you lose .
23 When Jenny learned next day about Brownies from the tall lady , whose name was Miss Clinton and who was a District Commissioner in the south of England , made her long to be one .
24 ‘ Perhaps it 'll make Daddy want me to be one too , ’ she added hopefully .
25 Firstly , the crop has to be a legume ; secondly , the Rhizobium species selected will need to be one that has the capability of forming a symbiotic relationship with the host ( though there is the possibility as discussed in section 8.4.3 , that genetic engineering could simplify this aspect of the procedure ) ; and thirdly , it is important that the bacterial strain should be efficient at nitrogen fixation .
26 It seems rather grandiose to label a talk with a colleague in the same office or department as an ‘ interview ’ , but in some ways it could be considered to be one , especially if our colleague is an expert in the field in which we ourselves have become interested .
27 After 80 years of argument and counter argument there is no conclusive answer to the question nor is there ever likely to be one .
28 Although this message is unlikely to be one that LDDC highlights when it approaches Whitehall for money , there is no doubting it has shifted its public relations away from targeting solely yuppies and City businessmen .
29 Sex would seem to be one , but you will be discussing this and hopefully doing a fair amount of reading on the subject .
30 All children love playing with balls and at this age it is sure to be one each , so that one-to-one correspondence comes naturally .
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