Example sentences of "to her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then she turned to speak to all the eagles there , for most were listening in silence to her except those , and there were some , who had been so long in the Cages or so affected by them that they showed interest in nothing but food , their spirit killed by imprisonment .
2 No one spoke to her except the woman at the public toilets .
3 And I er was talking to her down the lane when Mrs Monday and I asked her how she was and she said oh I 've had a few falls in the house and all .
4 The man had come up to her at the entrance to the library where she worked and just asked her .
5 She was an excellent shrewd local politician and a comfort to her at the end of her life was the defeat of the atrocious plans of the Merrell Dow Chemical Company to build a plant near her beloved River Blackwater , the last campaign in which she played an active part .
6 To order , please contact Linda Denli on 071 839 9104 or write to her at 25 St James 's Street , London SW1A 1HG .
7 Over the years she had become a stranger to us , her sisters tending to avoid her ; all but my mother , who still wrote to her at Christmas-time .
8 The man sitting with his back to her at the table looked round .
9 She might even , he suggested , as they went to the stairs , benefit from a quiet winter with her sister to help and think what joy lay ahead with Oreste brought to her at last .
10 You will say I ought to have informed you I would not part with the boy in such circumstances as you had taken trouble to describe but until I saw the girl I was not sure in my own mind what to do and only made it up when confronted with her and not taking to her at all .
11 Blinked a few times instead and told him in a croaky voice that I 'd met Erica Upton twice and had sat next to her at dinner .
12 No matter what they had said to her at the hospital , it had been her fault she had died .
13 Lady Elizabeth Campbell , sixteen , gentle , interested in poetry , cuddly , was discussing the matter of her marriage , which had just been broken to her at dinner by her father , Archibald Campbell , Earl of Argyll , King James the Fourth 's Lieutenant of the Isles , chief of Clan Diarmaid ; and her teeth , which were indeed passable , were much in evidence .
14 ( d ) Joan Ruddock , then chairperson of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament , heard her telephone conversation being played back to her at the end of a call .
15 When he again tried to speak to her at her friend 's home where she was staying , Mary called the police and they persuaded him to leave .
16 I was talking to her at a women 's group meeting — we were playing records .
17 A framed certificate was presented to her at the Good Companions ' meeting last week by chairman Janet Gill .
18 All you have to do is write to her at the address below to receive a questionnaire ( do n't send any money now ) .
19 He thought that he left the church unnoticed , but Isobel saw him as she stepped out of her pew , and , as far as anything could penetrate to her at such a time , she was touched by his solicitude .
20 Did n't he or Hank matter to her at all ?
21 He had shown , or so it had seemed to her at the time , genuine concern for others .
22 After this she began to hear strange sounds and melodies ‘ that she could not well hear what a man said to her at that time , unless he spoke the louder .
23 They were handed to her at Blackpool , where a royal aide gave the go-ahead for marriage guidance workers to present the fish .
24 Lucy of course was always fun , and I talked to her at Paula 's villa whenever I went there .
25 She has three spells dealt to her at the start of the battle in the usual way as described in Warhammer Battle Magic .
26 ‘ I talked to her at her place in Greenway Gardens , ’ Carver continued , ignoring Frank .
27 Jonathan asks me to say that Mary wants these items delivered to her at , anonymously , if necessary — I 'm sure those members of the trade still in possession of their underpants after the Christmas festivities can be relied upon to do the decent thing , and not abuse this rare privilege .
28 In spite of scepticism and outright hostility to her at the court ( how could she achieve what professional commanders had failed to do ? )
29 A year later to the day he had proposed to her at the same table .
30 For five years after her departure , Edinburgh castle was loyally held in the queen 's name under the command of her secretary , William Maitland of Lethington , and the distinguished soldier Sir William Kirkcaldy of Grange , in spite of Kirkcaldy 's having led the forces opposed to her at Langside .
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