Example sentences of "to are [art] " in BNC.

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1 Right there are two kinds of courts that policemen , well there 's several kinds of court , but the main courts that policemen go to are a magistrate 's court where there is what 's known as , they are magistrates or JPs , Justice of the Peace , and they sit there and you have to give evidence .
2 The waters to pay particular attention to are the ones which have produced bream in the past , even big bags of medium-sized fish , but have produced nothing like it in recent years .
3 Notice that although this reads as ‘ sliding the lace carriage for ten rows ’ , this is a brief way of saying ‘ move the lace carriage to the right and back , knit two rows , repeat from to five times ’ , the rows referred to are the knit rows , since the movement of the lace carriage never constitutes a row .
4 The people in prison are the only people you have — whatever problems you 've got , you know the only people you can talk to are the women in prison .
5 We also recognise so to are the workers of County Councils , and District Councils , particularly because the er the government initiatives , one good point to V A T on fuel , and the increasing in in National Insurance Contributions and increases in taxation , so between the two sides has got to be some accommodation , bearing in mind the need for both of us to want to continue to deliver quality services .
6 I do think it 's a difficult one , but I do feel there is a limit to the number , and therefore we should be careful that the ones we agree to are the ones that interest local people .
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