Example sentences of "to its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is also closing its personnel applications development and support base in Huntsville , Alamaba and moving the work to its Atlanta base .
2 There was undoubtedly considerable attachment , particularly among the rural lower orders , to the Elizabethan Book of Common Prayer and to its ceremonies marking both the stages of the agricultural year and the important milestones in the life of the individual .
3 Note that , following completion of the buy-out , both Newco and Target 's accounting periods must also correspond , especially if group relief is being relied upon to fund Newco 's liability to meet interest payments to its investors and provide it with tax-efficient servicing of interest on its debt .
4 The main requirement is for the exchange 's affairs to be conducted in an orderly manner , in order to afford proper protection to its investors .
5 At this time of day London seemed serene : an entity detached from the fates of the scurrying thousands who would soon pour on to its streets .
6 Receiverships and closures have ravaged the area in recent years , giving a desolate look to its streets .
7 A misunderstanding then seems to have occurred with Fimbra writing to its members last week saying that its scheme had not been altered in any way and that members could not renew existing policies if the renewal date was after 1990 .
8 Congress will be reformed , abolishing its patronage and powers to vote under-the-table payments to its members .
9 The tribe is a natural social umbrella assuring security in society : ‘ Because of its traditions it guarantees collectively to its members the payment of ransom and compensation as well as defence and vengeance : in other words , social protection ’ ( HI , ‘ Merits of the tribe ’ ) .
10 It can find expression in one 's attitude to voluntary organizations , to the culture and traditions of the community , and in behaviour to its members when met in anonymous situations .
11 As another Member , Mr Jeremy Hanley , has said , ‘ I believe that this House belongs to the people of the UK and not to its Members
12 But at the same time , away from public scrutiny , many of these same stores reduced the risk of their credit being abused through a semi-secret organization known as The Mutual Communications Society which circulated to its members the names of habitual defaulters .
13 The Institute 's initiative in providing this service to its members has the support of the Review Panel and the Department of Trade and Industry , as well as the Auditing Practices Board and the Accounting Standards Board .
14 The Institute has warned auditors who carry out circulation audits that the specimen letter of engagement the Audit Bureau of Circulations issued to its members in November last year is not in a form agreed by the Institute .
15 I do n't think it would be an adequate response from our Institute to say to its members that if they wanted a qualification in tax , they should go and join another body .
16 In commenting to its members on the distinction between fixed and current financial assets , the Building Societies Association has undertaken to consider guidance on the criteria they should apply .
17 The move to introduce specialist designations stems from the belief that the Institute has a responsibility to its members to formally recognise and award qualifications for specialist knowledge and skills , so that they do not have to look to outside bodies .
18 It was obvious that the Union Jack Club was , to its members anyway , the local hub of the far-flung British Empire .
19 The EFTA states were agreed on only one thing : they rejected the sequence of events beyond a free trade area postulated by the Treaty of Rome , accepting EFTA as the only possible alternative that would offer some benefits to its members should the EEC prove effective .
20 UI has also got OSF chief David Tory and either Novell Inc chief executive officer Ray Noorda or some Novell senior executives coming along to its members meeting .
21 The attractiveness of the group to its members , in terms of objectives , satisfactions and productivity .
22 The Society of London Art Dealers ( SLAD ) has just issued its diamond jubilee yearbook where it outlines the conditions and terms of sale which it recommends to its members .
23 The attitude is inherent , the natural characteristic of institution accountable , if it is a joint stock company , to its shareholders ; and , if it is a trade union , to its members .
24 Retain price at £15.95 which Woodworker Fellowship is offering to its members at £10.50 including post & packing !
25 Neither the membership of this panel , nor its relationship to the Coordinating Team , has ever been sufficiently clear to its members .
26 In Wheeler v. Leicester City Council ( N. L. , 1985 ) following the decision of four members of Leicester Rugby Club to tour South Africa , the Local Authority , landlords of the club 's ground , banned the club from using the ground for a year because they were dissatisfied with the club 's response to its members ' actions .
27 From this spring the PPA will officially and exclusively endorse the Picture Lions list , stressing to its members the value of the range and recommending 10 titles on a quarterly basis .
28 Such beliefs serve to explain the system to its members : they make social inequality appear rational and reasonable .
29 A building society challenged the validity of transitional provisions in the Income Tax ( Building Societies ) Regulations 1986 by which it had to pay to the revenue on specified quarterly dates the tax in respect of dividends and interest it had paid to its members .
30 Held , dismissing the appeal , that notwithstanding the wording of section 8(2) of the Finance Act 1986 W. Plc. was not a member of the self-regulating organisation Lautro for the purposes of the Act and had no right of appeal to Lautro under the provisions of Lautro 's 1988 Rules ; that Lautro had a duty to act fairly not only to its members but , in appropriate circumstances , to those appointed representatives on which , in accordance with its rules , an intervention notice was to be served ; but that , in determining whether those affected by an intervention notice should be permitted to make representations before the notice was served , Lautro had to balance their interests against the interests of investors pending a full inquiry ; and that , having decided to serve the notice as a matter of urgency , Lautro should not be burdened with the necessity to decide whether time permitted it to receive representations before it served the notice ( post , pp. 575C–G , 576A–C , 577C–D , 579E — 580A , D — 581B , 582E ) .
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