Example sentences of "to he [be] " in BNC.

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1 And her only words to him are : Now you are free to tell that you have seen me all unrobed — if you can tell !
2 Next to him are my two uncles and my aunt .
3 There is no evidence , though , for the existence of ‘ Merlin ’ and writings attributed to him are spurious .
4 He found fame in poetry and prose , he also has the reputation of being a supernatural Robin Hood and documentary evidence of his exploits attributed to him are legion .
5 Those that are open to him are usually devoted to a purpose , not appropriated to a person : ladies congregate in the morning-room or mistress 's boudoir ; men in the odd room , billiard-room , or library .
6 After all , as the world sees it he 's a powerful man — a very powerful man — and those sucking up to him are only little men — hsiao jen .
7 The only people who seem to get put through to him are little girls who want ponies for Christmas and wives who want their husbands dead . ’
8 And er would have erm perceived that he was n't greatly hampered by it , but once you 've got a surgeon who is going to get a fat fee he did say to him are you sure you want this done
9 and how he 'd seen prison and er they 'd said they had n't any prisons but he found one and erm hospitals and all that sort of thing and at the end of the week 's visit erm one of the very high ups , whom he named and I 've forgotten the name of him , I think I 'll just use that , thank you erm sent for h he , he was brought before him as it were and the man said to him are there any questions er at the end of your week that you want to ask and he said well perhaps there is one he said erm Winston Churchill was here erm a month or two , a few months ago
10 No , said to him are you he goes no .
11 And she says ah David 's er she says later on in the day she says to him are you playing ?
12 The how we come to Jesus , the why 's we come to him are not the important thing , the real issue is that we come to him .
13 Next to him is the Mitchell observer , Flt Sgt E L Reed , then the pilot , Fg Off J P Toeg , the wireless operator , Flt Sgt T Ellis and the gunner , Sgt J Glover .
14 Her greeting to him is a speech of rebuke so savage that at first he stands dumb , then bursts into tears , and finally falls insensible .
15 When he was a young fighter , a doctor had to chase him around a desk to give him a shot , and chaotic mobility to him is at least as important as breathing .
16 He wears a pinstripe suit , red tie , and next to him is his black magician 's bag ; he never lets it out of his sight .
17 Talking to him is a strange experience : he immediately establishes a close relationship .
18 ‘ It is said that Watson replied , ‘ Is that you Mr Bell ? ’ but since there was only one telephone in the whole of God 's creation at the time , Bell ‘ s reply to HIM is not hard to guess at .
19 To read at sight whatever is submitted to him is child 's play … he makes me realize that it is difficult to guard against madness on seeing prodigies .
20 A better memorial to him is the statue of Cardinal Wolsey over the gate to Christ Church College , Oxford , which he caused to be erected and underneath which he is named in a Latin inscription .
21 What makes it attractive to him is that it seems to fascinate his parents .
22 I have great sympathy with Linford ; what they are doing to him is totally disgraceful . ’
23 The seat next to him is usually left empty , partly for weight and C of G considerations , but also because some of the aircraft have dual controls .
24 ‘ One of the things that attracted us to him is that he is someone who is willing to stand up and speak against something that he believes is wrong . ’
25 Talking to him is always like meeting him for the first time — he never comes out with the same old stuff and you can look forward to an interesting conversation .
26 Another monument to him is in the main square of the city of Cebu in the central Philippines , a canopy with the kind of gaudy murals one expects in this flamboyant tropic city .
27 And tell him , Yes , that the time when I thought that I had to say ‘ No ’ to him is now long past , since we all live only by virtue of the fact that a great and merciful God says his gracious Yes to all of us ' ( Eberhard Busch , Karl Barth , E.T .
28 This is done here , partly directly , as in the injunction to be like the serpent , and partly indirectly , in her perversion of such words as ‘ milk ’ or ‘ nature ’ , Her parting injunction to him is to ‘ look up clear ’ ( 71 ) , ‘ clear ’ meaning ‘ innocent , spotless ’ : the stress must fall on the verb , ‘ look ’ or ‘ seem , .
29 In any piece of fiction there must be room for the reader — room for him to jump at a suggestion , to insert himself into a story , to respond to hints and clues : to be told what is offered to him is to encourage him to read passively and so to give him less than he deserves .
30 The stallion ( left ) is relaxed but vigilant ; the mare next to him is bothered by the foal pushing between them from behind : her ears show the focus of her attention , while her wrinkled nostril betrays irritation .
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