Example sentences of "to he [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then , in her attempt to experience more closeness to her husband and to drive him to understand what she felt like but could not make conscious or put into words , she did to him what had been done to her .
2 We can only give to Him what we receive from Him , and when we receive living bread and living water from the house of bread , there is no other possible response than worship .
3 He liked that contempt , that resentment ; the first time he saw it in the boy 's face he knew it reminded him of something , but it was weeks before it came to him what it was .
4 So Nuer readily acknowledge that when they pray and give thanks to kwoth with appropriate offerings they restore to him what is already his .
5 It is even of importance to him what the moral tone of the whole society is — shocking as it may seem to libertarians to raise this issue — because freedom and individual diversity can only flourish in a society where there is a general recognition of their worth .
6 I have to explain to him what happened .
7 And yet , as the evening went on and the moon rose and the wine went down , new candles , another log for the fire , shadows swaying on the walls , she seemed to become to him what Catherine was to George .
8 I thought about it for a while and then telephoned him to say that I could suggest a pretty easy solution , and indicated to him what it was .
9 I therefore recommended to him what I regarded as a sensible viewpoint .
10 But the horror was only doing to him what it always did .
11 Gigantic , monstrous and powerful ; waiting on the stairs for him to open the door wide , so that it could seize him , drag him away and do to him what it had done to Pearce ?
12 Joseph was trying to get someone to explain to him what the exchanges between Durance and Maurin had been about and where Maurin had gone .
13 And she had no doubt that Tristan would listen when she explained to him what it was she wished him to say on her behalf , or in which direction she wished him to urge her to go .
14 She had said to him what she had wanted to say and now she was off .
15 ‘ I did to him what he did to you .
16 Was he trying to get Danzig to do to him what no other man had ever done ?
17 And if he ca n't manage then then it 's up to him what he does .
18 Rocky is the future of the club along with Macca and Speed if he ca n't hold on to him what ganrantee can he offer us that he wo n't unload Macca and gazza soon !
19 Alright all I all I 'd ask is that would you erm just mention to him what I 've said and that if he believes after discussion with you that there are some pallets which are not in a fit state to send out , and they are gon na tip over on a lorry and dislodge , then they are rejected and Pete Pete knows about it and they are they are actually isolated and rewrapped .
20 Mr Pollards father david also gave evidence , saying in a statement how Gary Burn had been sobbing hystericaly when tring to explain to him what had happened .
21 Er he 'd , and she said er she says to him what you doing today ?
22 he said , you know fifteen pounds a week , and I said to him what about the petrol ?
23 that was cut off there anyway to cut a long story short when we got down there I says to him what 's the damage ?
24 And he says erm er , one pound eighty and I says to him what ?
25 That 's entirely up to him what we do but I shall be up for dinner you know and sort of see you and then if Geoff wants to leave early , we will .
26 No well yeah it 's up to him what he says .
27 so when somebody says to him what sides your heart on and he says right they say no , he says yes it is
28 I , I just say to him what do you mind doing ?
29 Whining farting howling erm he came in at half past five and er overnight again she 's got two carloads there so it was just the same till gone eleven anyway when Mick came in I said to him what did that bloke say and he said he 's looking out some different equipment to what he
30 and hopefully But I said to him about Duttons Road and I said to him what I 'll do is , I 've got ta go to town tomorrow I 'll er get some tapes and start taping
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