Example sentences of "i did have " in BNC.

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1 That I did had been a 45 year fantasy come true . ’
2 I moved from Nazeing into Harlow because my house was condemned at Nazeing and I had to come into a Council house at , and erm , from I had erm , when I came from Nazeing I had erm , three sons three sons then and when I got to , I 'd been here a year and then I had another son and after that er , when he was about two years and four months I had a daughter , but unfortunately I lost her with heart trouble and er she only lived four months and I lost her and er , er I stayed there , stayed there and , in and after that I moved to because it was a bit larger house for my family you see and from erm I was there several years and er stayed there and I had erm oh first of all I , I had my twins , my twin boys after I lost the daughter , I had twin boys and they , I went to I suppose about two years and four months between and I wanted to adopt a little girl but they would n't let , my hubby said no and so then I er , sort of see if I get a little girl and I had twin boys did n't I , and I 'm still in , I 'm in and after er after I had the twins when I was about er forty two if I did had another boy which is the one I 've got , the last one up there of my eight , I ended up with eight boys
3 Ironically , the hostel was charging so much in rent that while I did have to stay there , I was better off on the dole with the housing people picking up the bill than in cleaning work and having to pay it myself .
4 I did have a copy of Boost , a monthly magazine published from late 1942 for 212 ( Catalina ) Squadron based at Korangi , south of Karachi .
5 But I did have to worry about whether we were going to have the cash flow in ten years ' time to make sure that the parts can be paid for so the chap on the shop floor can stick the thing together .
6 At the same time , I 'm elated and I can go back to the vices I did have , ’ said Mr Tyson .
7 David and I did have conversations about it and I told David that I thought he should get an accountant , or that he should ask for an account from Tony if he had questions about where money was going .
8 I 'd come out on the simple camera-fetching errand without the complete zipped pouch of gadgets but I did have with me the belt holding my knife and the multi-purpose survival tool , and on the back of that tool there was a mirror .
9 ‘ Oh , I remember now , ’ she said : ‘ I did have one dream , just as I was waking up .
10 On the street again , suddenly I felt I was in the middle of a farce — ‘ POLICE SEARCH FOR THE BIG BANANA IS ON — and the discovery that actually I did have my cheque numbers in my moneybelt and that it was the photocopies that had been stolen made me almost light-headed .
11 I did have a shower — but what 's the use of putting dirty clothes on a clean body ? ’
12 I did have one fairly regular customer though , and it was amazing how we started off .
13 But there was still a problem about the label Education , and also that I did have such a very large chunk of air-time , 15 per cent of the Channel .
14 I did have three commendations over the thirty years — three ten bobs !
15 And I did have a splendid evening , spending most of the time with a red haired sergeant who seemed to appreciate my sense of humour — in fact , I thought we were getting on so well that I was disappointed when the evening ended and he did n't make any arrangements to see me again .
16 But I do now sometimes wish that I had given them more time when I did have them . ’
17 I did have a few lessons , with a lady down the dale called Annie Bayles .
18 I did have a sort of ‘ Les Paul ’ mentality about how to use a tape machine and that did run through everything I did with Fleetwood Mac .
19 Yet I did have a row with Arthur Calder-Marshall , so it gave me a pang when I heard that he had died last week .
20 ‘ I may not have been the tallest , nor the most athletic — Mick Doyle reckoned I only ever jumped from my shoulders up — but what I did have was the most effective arse in world rugby ’ .
21 But I do n't think I could cope on my own without my mum and dad even if I did have all that money .
22 But , yes , I did have problems with the dinner circuit .
23 I did have my right nipple pierced , but I had to keep taking it out for films , so it kept healing up .
24 And yet , if I did have a showdown now , what good would it do ?
25 He was right , I did have to stand on tiptoe and even then I could hardly reach .
26 I did have a chin tuck , and the lady who worked on the book with me said , ‘ Now , Elizabeth , you know we 're going to be together for months and we have to be absolutely honest with each other .
27 Actually I did have a good party once .
28 I think I did have a need to speak about it , to share it .
29 ‘ I felt for a lot of years I did have a lot to lose , when there was only one way to go and that was down , and when things did n't go the way I wanted them to go I blamed others .
30 I ai n't got ten shillings , and if I did have I 'd give it to the kids .
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