Example sentences of "i have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Q I have two working retrievers — a three-year-old and a two-year-old .
2 ‘ Well , Piper , if you can not make up your mind , you are welcome to spend the night at the Police Station ; I have two empty cells at the moment .
3 I tell her I have two little girls of my own .
4 I have two criticisms of all this .
5 I have two trivial comments and two substantial ones .
6 ‘ If it was Paula that means I have two of my staff as fugitives from justice … ’
7 ‘ I like the exercise and , besides , I have two friends down the road in a Land Rover , ’ I said , implying that I would be given a lift .
8 I have two instant reactions .
9 I have two files on my desk .
10 When the over ended he took the umpire aside and explained ‘ I have two artificial hips and I do not really know where my feet are going to land ’ — he was given a special Man of the Match award .
11 Faith is single , but I have two young children .
12 A.agassizii is even more peaceful than most — I have two males and a female occupying an 18″ breeding tank without the non-dominant male showing so much as a frayed fin .
13 I have two Blue Acaras and eight Angels , and will be adding a plec , a pair of Nannacara anomala and two pairs of Flag Cichlids .
14 I have two Red Snakeheads , 6½″ and 5″ long .
15 I have two Clownfish , which I bought as juveniles of a similar size .
16 In my four foot tank I have two Oscars , two Tinfoil barbs and a Sailfin Plec .
17 I have two 10″ specimens in a 53″ × 18″ × 12″ aquarium , which they share with two 8″ Oscars and a couple of small Pimelodids .
18 I have two ponds , one holding 1500 gallons and a larger one which is 20′ × 6′ × 2′ .
19 I have two or three Alembics , which are lovely guitars — great in a studio if you have the time to sit and work with hi-tech electronics .
20 I have two American Standard Strats that I 've had for about four years , one with Lace Sensors , the other with DiMarzios .
21 Paul : I have two basses : a Fender Precision sunburst — 1978 , I think — and a Fender Jazz — which I think is a 1974 .
22 I have two Telecasters , a 1980s Rosewood Telecaster and there 's a brand new American sunburst Telecaster that I bought last year as a spare .
23 I have two possible ideas :
24 I have two children .
25 I have two years on my contract and I 'm not about to go anywhere else . ’
26 ‘ I believe I have two more years of top-class rugby in me and I want them to include a return to the England team . ’
27 I have two years left of my contract , and I am hoping to have a benefit in 1995 .
28 I have two ears .
29 With two abodes , I have two of everything .
30 I have two young children , so my wife Denise does n't work and I have a £50,000 mortgage .
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