Example sentences of "i think they " in BNC.

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1 The fact that they broke in but did n't take anything , and also that they were obviously professionals , makes me think they were looking for something specific .
2 Now they have aerial wires attached to the masts and they made me think they must intend to use her for some sort of electronic surveillance .
3 Nor do I think they will be able to charge anything like the premium they used to ; in fact , it 's debatable whether they 'll be able to charge a premium at all . ’
4 Did I think they were my flowers ?
5 I feel neither shame or embarrassment at my feelings , not do I think they should be ignored .
6 And er they used to come to me and ask things about what they should do and did I think they had a claim for this and that you know , and I used to tell them you see .
7 Well you ca n't I think they 've run out .
8 I mean I could do I think they 're fascinating and important — but I would prefer instead actually to talk about Darwinism Darwin as a biologist , rather than Darwin as a philosopher or as a influencer of morals and religious beliefs and so on .
9 [ There were ] several reasons for it : one of them was I thought they were too much alike .
10 The reason I joined was I thought they were going to get more money for me , not take it away . ’
11 I thought them extraordinary Performances for a Girl of her Age , and one that had so little Advantage ( or rather none at all ) either from Books or Conversation : But my bad State of Health prevented me from making any further Enquiry concerning this young Genius , till about fourteen Months before her Death , when I was first inform 'd she had wrote a Tragedy .
12 For those who are wondering why I have this set-up , the three were introduced at a small size when I thought them a male and two females ; and I am unwilling to upset a settled pair by unnecessarily removing the decor and setting two with a net !
13 Kate had lost a husband and Charles a daughter — the only child of her father and he a widower — and I thought them more worthy of compassion .
14 They were what were then called ‘ buxom young women ’ and I thought them very pretty .
15 I thought them beautiful , but they clearly alarmed Mr Singh who was not used to my wife 's Celtic colouring .
16 I shrugged , as if I thought them honourable scars to be gained in my lady 's service .
17 I thought them not too bad at the time .
18 I thought them poor cars behind me .
19 ‘ Oh , I thought they 'd taken care of them , ’ said Jenny .
20 I thought they were getting on fine . ’
21 I thought they were going to shoot us .
22 They came in right at the end of the period I spent working there I never owned one myself — although I 'd sometimes wear one in the shop I thought they were stupid .
23 I thought they was going to catch a train , and that 's why they was hugging and kissing and that , but I du n no — maybe they was just planning to go away or summat .
24 At first I thought they was bits of paper or summat that someone chucked in , but when the big boat went past , they all flew off .
25 I thought they was pears at first and I got excited , cos I like pears , but they was n't .
26 I thought they were the only party that could rule Namibia .
27 As for Dana 's poems , at first I thought they were pretty feeble .
28 I thought they were beautiful in their male hardness and power , so I told him : ‘ Dana , your hands are perfect , front and back . ’
29 I thought they had gone to join Rodney , but no !
30 I thought they had experts . ’
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