Example sentences of "i say [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When I say existed for ten years , er I I did make a slight mistake in that for ten years erm the village .
2 Yeah , I tell you , even Ian now is very about paying bills and , and Barry I say hit the roof when he heard that one
3 And it , er , er , cos I say demonstrated because we 've got these two people here , er this man and the little girl there who are obviously , erm on a visit to this mill watching what 's going on .
4 I it 's it 's a pity to be talked out of out of what we 've got but er it it it 's a case , sorry I say talked out of it it 's discussions and erm you have to say that most er ladies look at saying well now what can you promise me every week
5 When I say brought , I mean drove .
6 he sort of smiled and said oh okay I 'll let you have it for thirty five and I said done .
7 But I mean it 's it er it was great I mean the fact that I was I mean in in Aberdeen I was away from home , I mean you did n't even notice it , because of the number of Orcadians that popped in by the hospital and as I said sent cards and letters , it was great .
8 I was the prime suspect this time because of the Golden Syrup job , and although I knew she did n't have any proof , nothing I said made any difference .
9 But no wh what I 'm , when I said borne out later on I mean later on in the report
10 When we were out for lunch a few weeks ago , Alan asked where I was brought up and I said popped out on stalks two brothers had gone to school at .
11 I said yeah just started , course if I 'd have paid money off I said lived on it you see
12 Yeah but , it was only on the bottoms of some of them so I said cut the bits off and er , I shut the door to , and Bill said , why are you shutting the door ?
13 Oh it 's so funny , cos the second time he could n't , he came back and I think I was upstairs , and she did n't shut the door and I said all four , cos I 've got to pick her up at five , he said oh , anyway he went back , after dinner he 'd gone back and I said told you about it 's five o'clock , he said are you on me .
14 You 'll need a as I said put er put some paper on the or some newspaper wo n't scratch it .
15 this morning I said enjoyed your weekend then , she said oh yeah , I said how 's Daniel then ?
16 But like Dave said you know , there 's no , I said to her you gon na go out on those two days , I said got all your Christmas shopping , no , everybody will get money .
17 and I bought her but when I came out the loo he is playing with the bus going wheeee , he was having a great time with that , I looked at him and I said got to give that to Charlotte , no , no , I do n't like it I want the house , meaning the garage , so I 've gone out now and bought her a circus
18 Yeah , well look at the time and I said got
19 Finally , I am somewhat dismayed at the proposition that patients might be tempted ( or should I say bribed ? ) into taking a decision for or against generic substitution .
20 ‘ Yes , Piper , fish , freshly caught , or should I say blown out of the water ! ’
21 And this title er the festival of the horse was , shall I say dreamed up , erm and in fact we had one or two horses , Clydesdale horses , on show down at the Crummery square in the Hope .
22 My own taste is so eclectic ( or should I say conditioned by the cheapest bargain available ) that I am not evangelical on behalf of any product — except perhaps Valpeda foot balm , which soothes the weary feet better than anything I know , softens hard skin and banishes athlete 's foot .
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