Example sentences of "i always find " in BNC.

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1 1 small twentieth-century ornamental dinner plate with picture of Scarborough Beach ( this is optional , actually , but I always find it adds spice to a tour of a house if , when interest is flagging , you quietly get it out and prop it up on a table and then say innocently to an attendant : ‘ What 's the story behind that plate ? ’ and then wait to see what sort of explanation is invented by someone who has never seen it in his or her life before )
2 John wrote scathingly of Robert Helpmann , after seeing his Miracle in the Gorbals , as ‘ a pseudo-intellectual who has discovered ( after Hollywood ) that there exists such a thing as mob psychology ’ and later added that ‘ his ballets , although all extremely intelligently constructed , and all marvellous theatre , I always find acrobatic and dull from the dancing point of view …
3 I always find good company in kitchens , and I know from experience I 'll have a welcome down below .
4 I always find ‘ balance ’ a curiously bloodless word , extraordinarily difficult to hold on to in practice in the heat of the classroom .
5 I always find it remarkable that such delicate structures can survive the harsh frosts and snows of winter .
6 I always find that all the children move without realizing that you have not said ‘ Simon Says ’ .
7 I always find much of interest in each issue as it reaches me and if I do criticise from time to time , this is meant to be constructive and helpful .
8 I felt that your readers would appreciate having this small point clarified ; furthermore , I would like to take this opportunity to say I receive your publication regularly and I always find it interesting , informative and a pleasure to read .
9 It has a K-type spectrum , but I always find the colour less pronounced than with most bright K-stars , though binoculars show it to be decidedly ‘ off-white ’ .
10 I always find it a difficult binocular object ; I can just see it with × 20 , but I am not confident that I can identify it with a lower magnification .
11 Frankly I always find them difficult even with × 20 .
12 I always find this a confusing constellation .
13 M8 , not far from Lambda , is an easy binocular object , though I always find its neighbour , M20 , rather elusive .
14 I always find it the reddest of the brilliant stars , though there is not a great deal of colour-difference between it and Betelgeux ; the name ‘ Antares ’ means ‘ the Rival of Ares ’ ( Mars ) .
15 I always find it so sad that a dearly loved husband 's name should be discarded immediately .
16 This seems a useful technique for any situation where a straight piece of wood ends in a curve , since it maintains the visual integrity of the piece and is considerably easier than laminating a number of separate strips ( which I always find slide out of line while being clamped ) .
17 But I always find , and I think you probably do , if you write things down you remember them easier and far longer .
18 So I hope I 've not complicated that I I always find it 's helpful to say this about this speaker this because no other speaker no speaker is here with a .
19 As I had requested , I had Pauline for massage ; I always find she gives me the best massage I have anywhere in the world .
20 And I 'm afraid I do shop at Sainsburys , I 'm very fond of Sainsburys and I always find them very good and very obliging and very fair and all the rest of that .
21 I always find small plants you know to watch them grow .
22 And I always find it extremely amusing that the government of this country screams about Brussels wanting to centralize everything when they of course , are the most centralizing British government , the present conservatives , that we 've ever known .
23 I always find plus three or whatever .
24 I always find art galleries and museums hungry work , though .
25 It 's easier to concentrate in a straight chair , I always find .
26 I know some folk wo n't change for anybody they just go harping on in their dialect and er well this fellow said some visitors just do n't understand him I always find myself translating in a situation like that .
27 It 's not quite the pressure , I mean I always find those two pages which is facts and that 's it but that 's the new dimension to it so that helps a lot .
28 Oh , I always wonder about that , I never know whether it 's correct I mean it certainly sounds better as you said , she did n't take her hand away , but I always find that when I 'm writing something down , I 'm torn , if it 's dialogue I want to say they did n't , could n't and all things come in .
29 When he lifted his hand she shrank back , terrified that he would touch her again , but all he did was push the heavy dark hair back from his forehead , his voice coolly impersonal when he answered , ‘ I always find it useful to make plans . ’
30 erm however I always find with questionnaires it 's very difficult to predict what 's going to go wrong in advance so
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