Example sentences of "i [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You were quite right to come and what you 've told me may be important .
2 Perhaps some indication of how this reacted on me may be gleaned from memory , One of the medical wing commanders at the hospital — H.E .
3 How do ye think ye are so fat : It 's me should be complaining .
4 On the other hand , there are in some cases statements of principle in general terms , which do not form part of the ratio decidendi and in others statements in dissenting judgments which it seems to me should be considered when the present question has to be resolved .
5 Now Kathy seems to me should be checked checking the assessor , just as if it was going over the telephone
6 Was that meant to be that people like me should be doing spot checks , Richard should tell people like me to do spot checks or Richard was going to do spot checks ?
7 if you 're going to join a K you , you , you should , I mean joined writing to me should be a soften version
8 The fact that students ask a question about something fairly commonplace and then it happens to me must be pure co-incidence .
9 Just seems that it , it to me must be wrong , that it did n't identify them because a particular picture anyway , the reason why I find difficulty in making
10 I may is well place before the dog over there the message of God as before those hungry millions who have no lustre in their eyes and whose only God is their bread . ’
11 Er the point I would like to make if I may is with er regard to the question of a a positive statement er that car dependency should be reduced and er more emphasis given to the availability and use of bus transport erm as well as t er rail transport .
12 Can I say first of all that er I support the general approach which has been adopted by Yorkshire County Council and the the other local authorities in the Greater York area , on the way in which they 've formulated their proposals for the York greenbelt after a fairly long erm and exhausting process , the question to which I want to address my comments first of all is whether the new settlement is an appropriate and justified planning response , and what I would like to do if I may is look at some of the reasons that have been raised erm in objection to the new settlement as a strategy , erm these issues have been raised by Hambledon District , York City Council , the C P R E , Montague Evans , in their written submissions to the examination of the .
13 I turned and gave him a wave , ‘ Do n't wait up for me , I may be late . ’
14 I may be a little late so do n't wait supper for me .
15 I may be against this on principle but I do n't see why I should n't be able to make a little bit of capital , ’ he added .
16 Feel I may be witnessing end of Christian and dawn of Lucindian era .
17 Now sir , he had continued acidly , gripping Mark by the ear , ‘ tell me , if I may be so bold as to ask , precisely what I have been talking about . ’
18 I may be leaving the show . ’
19 if I strike a child in a manner likely to cause harm it is right that if the child dies I may be charged with manslaughter .
20 There 's a — well , if I may be pompous , a sort of biochemical relationship between the two . ’
21 There is still too much explaining to do , no matter how cold and weary I may be feeling .
22 Secretly , I write to an organisation for anorexics , asking ‘ Do you think I may be anorexic ?
23 The Arts : I may be odd but I 'm well informed
24 BY the time you read this , I may be on my knees , along with millions of other Christian people , at the Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday .
25 Then again , I may be struck by lightning before I reach the church .
26 Here I am sitting on my little iron cot and feeling very lost without you , seasoned trooper though I may be .
27 I may be only a lassie but I can assure you I 'm quite capable . ’
28 It may help me more indirectly by alerting me to the fact that I may be wrong , and forcing me to reason again to double check my conclusion .
29 At other times I may be delighted to see them , for if the writing is not going well the writer welcomes any excuse to lay down his pen or turn away from the typewriter .
30 ‘ Well , ’ he said disarmingly , ‘ I may be the devil , but I do n't drink and I 've been married to the same woman for 40 years , so I ca n't be that bad . ’
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