Example sentences of "i [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And , ’ her blush deepened , ‘ you 're obviously determined to believe the worst of me where both Giles and Clive are concerned . ’
2 That and I appreciate one or two might want to go and work on other divisions but I if generally they were kept on the division that they are now then it could be a very gradual process of going back into uniform .
3 You talk about the classless society and then his next step is to make Dennis Thatcher a Baronet , that , if I may say , is a media non-sequitur if ever I if ever I heard it .
4 I cos quite frankly I have never heard such an exciting R S P C A man as that last one so I do n't expect to get much response to that .
5 If you have a Brother machine and change the ribber tension , put the slide lever to I as well .
6 I as well .
7 oh the timetable which I as well will , will erm , would be about two months , the first step has to be taken by the defendant because we do n't know yet whether they are prepared to oppose the structure , and if so , what sort of structure they would be prepared to oppose , erm , if and when , er a formal offer of structure came through , I would have little doubt that we could instruct accountants and get a response within a matter of weeks , sometimes one has to if they 're doing an commercial structure within a week or so because the offer is only open for ten days
8 I as well but he 's still a load of water on the top .
9 Well she says if you 'd of come to Sandra 's she 'd make you something , I says I know Eileen and so would I as well , I says I would n't have anybody coming in and bringing them sandwiches , I mean if somebody knocked on the , on our door one day from Queensbury and we did n't know they were coming and they 'd brought sandwiches with them
10 I as well .
11 Cos I I as soon as I moved here I wanted a catalogue and a telly .
12 But er when I as soon as I was fourteen I walked to and started working next day .
13 We should go down I think Rachel and I as before , and
14 That 's much more important to me than just having someone recognise my style .
15 You were always something more to me than just my big brother .
16 During this month I led the life for which I had always yearned hunting big game on my own in the wilds of Africa ; but now I realized that this expedition had meant more to me than just the excitement of hunting .
17 I had an easier position with the Kirov , because the orchestra started to do much more with me than before , we worked like the Japanese after the Second World War to restore their economy ! ’
18 Just to think , he said he would dance every dance with me if only I would stay .
19 This is just the objectivity which is to be claimed in general for the good ; what is good for me now is not necessarily good for you or for me at other times , nor even what I now spontaneously prefer , it is what anyone would spontaneously prefer for me if sufficiently aware from my present viewpoint .
20 and luckily that the , the song that we did was funny and so people enjoyed it , but they did n't understand it and they did n't have a visual image of the artist 's work , so I now have to take erm a couple of pictures , er prints with me if ever were going to read it and we sing those songs but not everybody does , and then they do become excessible you know , they can see , you know , that erm , yes erm if it , if I was going to publish a book of poem I , it would have to be stated that this related to this picture and presumably it 'd have to be , it would be with it , with it
21 ‘ Now you know I 've no right to be here , ’ she said , ‘ I want you to know what 's waiting for me if ever I get taken back .
22 Please tell me if so , because the last two messages I 've sent do n't seem to have arrived .
23 It was n't a very full list cos erm er it did n't occur to me until about seven o'clock this evening that I had to go out quite soon and then I just ran around frantically doing things .
24 Er right okay well I 'll tell you what , I think erm people are coming to see me until about two or three or so but erm if you come a bit after three you 'll probably catch me on my own
25 That 's he 's gon na come back at me cos like I 've got one over him
26 It 's alright for me cos like I know everyone .
27 So we proceeded on a cost plus basis , also the cost plus environment actually brings the partners together because if there are three of us working on a cost plus contract and I have a problem , my two partners rush to help me because clearly there 's some more profit for them , erm if the only difficulty with cost plus contract of course is that unless you have a a real ceiling on the total er costs that you 're going to pay , it may keep on rising far higher than you 'd ever imagined .
28 The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in but I dare not start on it just yet — the house must take priority .
29 ‘ Leeds sold me because maybe they needed the money to strengthen their defence . ’
30 There is no right or wrong way and personally I always take a briefcase with me because there you have the tools of my trade in there .
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