Example sentences of "i [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You see , what troubled me most I think , was the apparently vast , shapeless extent of it .
2 Take me somewhere I 've never been before .
3 Outside the last bar the cab was waiting remorselessly , the driver with his face averted , waiting to take me somewhere I did n't want to go .
4 when he said ‘ Look , will you help me clear her
5 Eyeing me suspiciously she said , ‘ Are n't we all ! ’
6 Smiling at me politely he said , in his still slightly-accented voice , " Sit down , Miss Graham .
7 See , right if he still was n't speaking to me properly I would n't have brought that off him !
8 I had often rehearsed the choice phrases which I would use on this very occasion but the sight of the animal restrained me ; if he had come to consult me professionally I could hardly start pitching into him right away .
9 If it 's below sea-level we 'll just say that if it 's you owe me rather I owe you
10 It struck me suddenly we were within two weeks of Christmas .
11 And it was Alec that was driving and Will Will , he said mind where your about Alec , you 'll er you 'll soon be in a ditch but good 's sake he said it 's not me So they were both
12 When I went to drama school it was all very new to me so I did n't have any real comparisons to make — which is a good thing .
13 When she s finished combing , she puts the mirror on the table in front of me so I can see myself .
14 Now though it is all very secure for me so I will not be going back , ’ she said .
15 And then the whitewater caught me so I proned out and hung on — I was eaten up then I was spat out and then I was eaten up again and spat out again and the beach was right there , so I threw the board away and just rolled and rolled and tumbled , and I ended up in the river on the far side of the berm . ’
16 That sounded great to me so I opted for the hike .
17 Galloping godfathers — he was n't listening to me so I started listening to myself .
18 No one seemed to want to serve me so I walked out and went home without so much as a plectrum !
19 Tony Curtis was standing next to me so I said I was there to try and collect money from Mr Curtis .
20 I have just read Kate Westwood 's letter in the February 92 issue of your magazine and the tone of it really saddened me so I felt I must reply .
21 ‘ When Chelsea signed me Ian Porterfield told me that if I got in the side he would n't drop me so I want to make up for lost time . ’
22 He ignored the mop , just staring at me , and I saw him take a breath ready to defy me so I spoke before he could .
23 A few days later while driving him home , she asked him why he 'd hit her and , she alleged , ‘ He went crazy again , punching me so I nearly lost control of the car . ’
24 Now I was talking to Dad I wanted to tell him about how Mum and I had found Granny and what wicked things Mum had done , but I knew Mum 's eyes were on me so I thought better of it .
25 They did n't notice me so I made myself unobtrusive and listened .
26 She was the same size as me so I knew that her clothes would fit me .
27 She kept talking over me so I told her to shut her face and cut her off .
28 ‘ When you have chosen the book you want , bring it to me so I can make a note of it and it 's yours for two weeks .
29 ‘ He 's going to do some errands for me so I thought it only fair to give him a bit of food . ‘
30 The second letter told me so I thought they 'd been bombed out .
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