Example sentences of "i [be] also " in BNC.

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1 Until I know why Albie died , I wo n't know whether Ludo and I are also in danger .
2 ‘ You and I are also required to put in an appearance at the police station later , but I managed to persuade them you were n't in a fit state to answer questions right now . ’
3 And I am also thinking of the identification of Rahila Khan — a novelist supposedly Asian and female — as an Anglican vicar ; and of the attempt to thwart a biography by the Englishman Ian Hamilton of the American J. D. Salinger , whose novels tell the story of his life , but who does not want anyone else to do so , preferring to keep his facts to himself .
4 I am also very aware that all this is relative .
5 This year I am also trying ‘ Chinese Yellow ’ , claimed to be very resistant to poor weather .
6 But I am also attracted by Graff 's suggestion that those who favoured a ‘ literary ’ , aesthetic , affective way of reading would then experience the satisfaction of working against the prevailing grain .
7 I am also extremely grateful that someone was generous enough to donate their relative 's organ at a time of extreme personal stress .
8 ‘ I know there will be those who are unhappy … but I am also convinced that millions of Argentines are applauding this measure , ’ he said at the weekend .
9 I am also wet through .
10 I am also enclosing a copy of the latest CAFOD Journal for your interest .
11 I am also extremely aware of what I eat .
12 I am also on a limited budget .
13 I am also keen to know , ’ she continued , ‘ if any such cost penalties operate to our disadvantage when European investment decisions are made , in particular those international mobile investment decisions which are made by the multinationals .
14 I am also growing morina , berkheya , echinops , acanthus and cirsium .
15 I am a wicked woman and it is a punishment that I am also ill .
16 I am also a remarkably tolerant man , Miss Thorne , and is not that a very good thing ? ’
17 But I am also a resilient soul .
18 I am also so excited , so appalled , so outside myself that I can look down at myself , so peculiarly detached , and yet also so vividly held stickily intact within myself that nothing makes sense and the moments do not join together in any comprehensible scale of time .
19 I am also happy that we shall have a record of the Berlin orchestra .
20 As for the supposedly devastating impact of the John Major Diary in Private Eye , of which I am also a co-author , I can only say that , despite the article 's prediction , it did not seem to stand in the way of a gratifying number of people giving him their enthusiastic support on Thursday — including myself .
21 My world of science is so much richer than theirs , because I not only know the systematic names , but I am also fluent in the trivial ones , the scientific nicknames which allow us to chat about science over coffee .
22 I am also grateful to Brian Watkins who was the first to put the idea to me that drama is a game .
23 I am also aware that four of the most successful economies in the world today are small peripheral islands — Japan , Singapore , Hong Kong and Taiwan .
24 I am also planning to fit a new galvanised bulkhead and I am wondering if it would be best to fit this before or after the new engine is installed ?
25 I am also delighted to be able to tell you that two of our branch members are hoping to train as much needed ante-natal teachers .
26 ‘ However , I am also aware that considerable counter pollution resources already exist in the Gulf area as a result of existing contingency plans to deal with spillages of oil from tanker casualties and other sources . ’
27 I am also assuming that you will be with us on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 June .
28 I am also very concerned should say my girth break or part of my bridle .
29 I am a gardener of the physical who spend many hours tending my flowers but I am also a mental gardener and spend even more hours tending transcendent flowers .
30 I am also interested in motoring at minimum cost !
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