Example sentences of "i [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 And I to be a corporal of his field ,
2 So he sent a telegram to his wife saying : ‘ Am in Market Harborough — where ought I to be ? ’ and she , being a practical woman , sent a terse telegram with one word : ‘ Home ’ .
3 Who was I to be taking on a contender like Thomas Carter , a management consultant and the owner-occupier of a £500,000 property set in the accessible Arcadia of Boars Hill ?
4 Nevertheless , it clearly would n't do for Karen and I to be seen together immediately afterwards .
5 Indeed , he even reveals that he has recovered from a bout of depression : ‘ What right have I to be depressed ?
6 Am I to be interested in you or not ? ’
7 Am I to be troubled by a skinny old fool in mirror shades ?
8 I have relatively high stakes in conformity — I happen to have done fairly well out of it ; I would have a certain amount to lose in terms of reputation were I to be apprehended .
9 Foreign communities , whether tribal or otherwise , are no more anxious than you or I to be subjected to intensive and embarrassingly close scrutiny by a tiresome stranger whose aims and intentions may be , to say the least , puzzling .
10 I think , I to be quite honest , correct me if I 'm wrong , with regard to the publicity group , that the publicity group really was to get something out that was going to act as an icebreaker to the members .
11 But , you say , ought n't I to be a policeman or a former policeman myself , like John Wainwright , to be able to do this ?
12 ‘ Am I to be dragged halfway across the country in a cart ? ’
13 PAMELA : And pray , how came I to be his property ?
14 ‘ Am I to be a king , or just a pig ? ’
15 A seemingly exasperated Jesus says , Oh faithless and perverse generation , how long am I to be with you ?
16 Am I to be allowed out of here ? ’
17 This enabled the movements of Filden I to be monitored closely from the time she left Dieppe .
18 ‘ Am I to be weaponless again ? ’ said Hrun .
19 ‘ Am I to be allowed to phone for a cab from your apartment ? ’
20 Ought I to be fearful for my life ? ’
21 Who am I to be merciful ?
22 Am I to be killed in this mysterious attempt to escape ? ’
23 At length she asked , ‘ Am I to be content with that snippet of intelligence : ‘ Sir George likes me ’ ? ’
24 Am I to be mobbed by all these folk for want of an end to their Mystery ?
25 Dragging the pad towards him he found a clean page and wrote : Dear Harsnet , I know you never answer my letters or return my calls , and I know that you handed over your notes to me on the understanding that I could do what I liked with them and not bother you , but I have to say that while there is much in them that I admire , as I will always admire much in you , no matter what , there is also much in them that seems to me to be puerile and , to put it mildly , bigoted .
26 It seems to me to be perverse in the extreme to attempt to resist the claim that the brain is literally carrying out these functions .
27 Some time in the early hours of the morning we cross over what seems to me to be a pontoon bridge , then suddenly we are up to our thighs in water .
28 The phenomenon seems to me to be different in kind from the first .
29 I met the guys , loved the songs and they asked me to be their agent .
30 The struggle to recover the sense of relation to nature and to God , the recognition that even the most primitive feelings should be part of our heritage , seems to me to be the explanation and justification of the life of
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