Example sentences of "i [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Within two or three days of John Salako flying out to California for his knee operation , he had me for company on the same ward .
2 She depended on me for company ; I was a better companion than Colonel Goreng .
3 ‘ I was n't sure if I was supposed to be wandering round , and I was going to bring Gwendoline Bear with me for company , but she does n't like strangers , so I came by myself . ’
4 ‘ You are asking me for money , ’ she said , shocked .
5 A surly man stepped from a trailer doorway and asked me for money .
6 And always , every day , he asked me for money .
7 She was going to ask me for money , I thought .
8 Chatting with me was presumably a lot more fun than going to bed with me for money — though less profitable , it had to be said .
9 you suddenly put me on the spot asking me for money .
10 Well , as a chemist perhaps you 'll forgive me for dwelling largely on what we as chemists do , but of course it 's not only the chemists in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences who do things for schools — it 's right across the area — but each year , for example , we have a week set aside for sixth form visits , in which parties of sixth formers come to the School and we 're about to talk to them about university entrance , about what goes on in universities , but , most importantly , to show them some of the apparatus which they do n't have at school but which they 've probably heard about .
11 This threw her more passionately on to me for solace and support , but I was losing patience — I did n't know how to cope .
12 Although the first step can be steroid injections , my GP referred me for surgery at Wanstead Hospital , south London .
13 In some ways I feel her peculiar dilemma parallels my own for she described her stance as one which distanced her from the classical anthropological mode , creating a ‘ memorable adventure ’ , which she claims , ‘ has marked me for life ’ ( ibid. 22 ) .
14 It all started out as a silly student prank , but it was to mark me for life .
15 Hold on , what I do is label it , they all come to me for signing .
16 I was wrapped up in an officer 's uniform ; you could n't see me for fur and leather .
17 You see he 's and then he had the cheek to charge me for insurance !
18 A document has been drawn up , and has been sent here to me for consideration .
19 And I 'll tell thee for naught , Daniel — never look to me for succour .
20 I can not recall an occasion when he asked me for help before .
21 They had come to me for help in extricating themselves from satanism because the high priest had insisted on performing the ‘ Act of Unity ’ with their fourteen-year-old daughter .
22 She came to rely on me for help and support and I am very , very upset .
23 Two or three years ago a friend of mine who is a publisher applied to me for help in dealing with a complaint from a man who had bought one of his cookery books .
24 You came to me for help , remember ?
25 Eventually it seemed it was only I who ever thought about that still , cold morning , recalling in my dreams that cry and that hand held out to me for help I could not , would not give , and the silence that followed Andy disappearing under the ice .
26 I 'd also write down everything important that happened over the years , so that students of history would come to me for help .
27 Sometimes the English Catholics write to me and ask me for help , and sometimes I write to them .
28 I betrayed your trust and I betray sick , helpless people who come to me for help , because I love you . ’ ‘
29 ‘ I ca n't bear anyone asking me for help .
30 ‘ Even if you had serious money problems you would n't come to me for help , would you ? ’
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