Example sentences of "i [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then let me make excuses for her ! ’ she flared .
2 My mum gave me got loads of them as well , I 'll eat the ones my mum gave me .
3 He would n't allow me to wear stockings , and I was still in knee-socks and lace-ups when I left school .
4 They did n't want me to wear saris .
5 On 17 August he wrote to me suggesting dates .
6 IT really annoyed me to see leaders of the public service unions on TV going on about how a pay freeze would be unacceptable to their members .
7 It seems strange to me to see cattle out in a field in mid-winter .
8 I thinks the manufacturing experience I had was very important , because it enabled me to see things from the manufacturer 's point of view , which many retailers have n't done .
9 Instead it switched a light on inside my head that enabled me to see things , which at the time , were away beyond my full understanding .
10 It was Peter who forced me to see things in a different light . ’
11 ‘ I worked from home and took Elliot with me to see clients .
12 ‘ So he got me a few gigs round the Irish pubs , and I had to learn off some traditional Irish ballads quickly for the sort of audiences you got there certainly did n't want to hear me singing songs by James Taylor or Simon and Garfunkel .
13 They wanted me to paint signs , so I painted signs .
14 That frees me to enjoy things I would n't normally even try .
15 ‘ I stay in my room and if I 'm feeling troubled about something I write it out on paper and that helps me to work things out . ’
16 If you 'd like me to work miracles
17 I had the feeling that they were almost forcing me to accept loans … ’
18 Although this may sound harsh and unreasonable , experience has made it hard for me to trust women who have never been through some form of separatist reaction .
19 It was odds on that the cops had got to him by now , but in case they had n't it might pay me to square things with him .
20 ‘ I always felt it was difficult for me to find films .
21 It always amazes me build things like that
22 Rental of 's cottage is agreed at Eight Pounds ( £8 ) per day , you to let me know dates of arrival and departure , as I am sure also will .
23 But this approach seems to me to contain difficulties of its own , not the least being that each object of knowledge is knowable in more than one of the different ways .
24 I only discovered that late as well when I became friends with John at college .
25 ‘ I fail to see the relevance of this , but yes , I should say that Glastonbury and I became friends .
26 I became friends with Juliet , , because she understood me , + I could talk to her about my opinions quite openly : she is very understanding in that way .
27 I 'm not really sure how I became friends with the boy , but he also has quite a good personality , + I can have a good laugh with him .
28 At one time , and I became adversaries over the selection of polio virus strains to be used as oral vaccines .
29 Group members ' perceptions of expected behaviour are concerned with bits of behaviour ( ‘ Can I make jokes in this group ? ’ ) , rather than with the behaviour as a continuing phenomenon ( ‘ Do I have a sense of humour ? ’ ) .
30 How could I make proposals on social security without mentioning National Insurance for which I had ministerial responsibility ?
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