Example sentences of "it were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A ‘ god ’ which mankind can worship is in no way identical to that power which created the universe , if indeed it were created at all within humanity 's understanding of that word .
2 Mankind must abandon all belief that the unknown power which created the universe , if it were created within the meaning of that word as generally understood , is to be identified as the ‘ god ’ that must be worshipped .
3 foreshadowed the ‘ construction ’ approach in Lonrho by treating the common law criminal contempt as if it were created by a hypothetical enactment and asking what intention was to be inferred , with regard to civil liability , from the exercise of the contempt jurisdiction .
4 actually er as it were fused I do n't mean that sort of fuse , I mean
5 The two figures have been kind of squelched together just as in , in Exodus there are two , sorry in erm in er Genesis there are two er Garden of Eden stories so they claim there are two Moses figures who have been erm as it were compounded together , but both of them says Freud were powerful religious leaders and they probably did give their followers moral principles , perhaps not exactly as we have but something very like it and so Freud is not sceptical about that .
6 The group and the men associated with it were honoured with two unit citations , a thousand of individual medals and many decorations from allied countries .
7 I did n't , I mean , I do n't like small the right brightly coloured or what , but it looked like it were coloured like this , like this kind of colouring .
8 This is not to overlook , however , the fact that the parties to these relationships , may legitimately expect some form of sexual gratification from their partners and should have grounds for complaint if it were denied .
9 She put the envelope down on the small table that served double duty as desk and dining surface , eased off her shoes , and stepped out of the cotton dress that felt as if it were struck to her damp skin .
10 If it were formatted as an RLL drive , then you 'd get 31.2Mb out of it .
11 With only small amounts of money changing hands , a limited number of dedicated venues , and , if it were to restrict itself solely to black audiences , a finite number of punters , the black comedy scene is clearly still in its infancy .
12 These substances would be in small amounts in any but polluted waters , and analytical methods would have to be suited to the objective if it were desired to distinguish between them .
13 But nevertheless if it were handled properly the high-yielding seeds of African maize , upland rice and cassava which are on the way could make a real difference .
14 Kurunagala and parts of the districts bordering it were singled out as suffering from an inordinate amount of cattle theft .
15 Each £250 or part of £250 will be treated as if it were bringing in an income of £1 a week .
16 One particular matter of concern would be the election of directors by particular constituencies ( shareholders on the one hand and employees on the other ) ; if it were intended that they should represent those constituencies , this would conflict with the general principle of company law that all directors should look to the interests of the company as a whole .
17 Around it were gathered the cloisters , quadrangles , halls , dormitories and playing fields of the school , stretching away up a gently sloping flank of the Quantock Hills .
18 From the start the new feature film had been saddled with outside obligations ; it had to preach or at least uplift , or if it were borrowing from literature it had to satisfy so many knowledgeable readers .
19 The rights and wrongs of it were debated for some time and the feeling seemed to be that the TCCB had come out of it in a worse light than Gatting ; as the Melbourne newspaper The Age put it , ‘ Gatting , caught rumour , bowled hypocrisy , 0 ’ .
20 During that eight years ' task , those at the heart of it were learning themselves how to pray more deeply and contemplatively .
21 This is at the heart of Wittgenstein 's criticism of St Augustine 's account : it is ‘ as if the child could already think , only not yet speak ’ ( PI 32 ) ; as if it were learning , not its native language , but a subsequent one .
22 I 'd rather it were kept quiet if any more do .
23 If it were kept isolated during the critical period nothing would prevent it from becoming an affectionless psychopath for the remainder of its life .
24 Er it were led by Sir Stafford Cripps and er Michael Foot .
25 Popular buys among those who intended to spend part of it were headed by household furnishings ( 28% ) , a new car ( 23% ) , gifts to children ( 20% ) and travel ( 19% ) ; only 5% splashed out on a home extension .
26 As the whole system is headed by a man , it is likely that the village has to move more frequently than if it were headed by a woman .
27 ‘ You 're not , sir , although I have no doubt it could carry out such a survey if it were called for .
28 Furniture that what it were called
29 And er we , one of the few times my dad came to Foundry Lane he I got a book , I think it were called Tiger Tim and , on the back they gave a model that you cut out with scissors and pu
30 So we 're watching that programme , Is this Your Last Cigarette ? or whatever it were called last Sunday on the telly and I thought I 'm stupid cos in six month 's time I shall say I could have packed up six months ago .
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