Example sentences of "to [being] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You mean you went from being a university lecturer to being a tramp ?
2 Unless a writer is eligible to join the PRS as a publisher member ( in addition to being a songwriting member ) there is little point in setting up a new publishing company .
3 He was as near as dammit to being a stylistic carbon copy of Hell .
4 By then the product will have reverted to being a reasonable business again — but not in a glamorous way as in the first phase .
5 You were half-way to being a lady 's maid with these private patients and if they wanted you to paint their fingernails while they told you their life histories you could n't choose but obey .
6 In addition to being a family house it is Timothy 's working base for his painting and sculpture .
7 I must confess to being a ‘ convert about this matter .
8 ‘ I decided on four days because I reckoned that that 's as near to being a full-timer as you can be , while still gaining something significant for yourself .
9 Going back to fame , to your intimate knowledge of the processes of identification and obsession … having been through various manic fixations , you have progressed to being a star , the subject of fixation yourself .
10 Perhaps Lord Ashley-Cooper was so horrified that he moved to another property , for there is evidence that the Manor reverted to being a tenanted farmhouse and remained thus until it was sold by the Shaftesburys in 1912 to Colonel Canning .
11 No one attempted to rebuild it , and the house soon reverted to being a farmhouse , as which it appeared in the film of Thomas Hardy 's Far from the Madding Crowd .
12 This was critical , since it took the new tax from being a hybrid to being a loosely-disguised property tax .
13 Never again will they imagine that to be an administrator is to be superior to being a cleaner .
14 I have to admit to being a bit of a philistine where flower arranging is concerned .
15 What O'Neillism did for Paisleyism was to raise in a concrete way the possibility of change from being a Protestant society and culture ( constantly threatened by the old enemy within and without ) to being a secular modern society in which religious affiliation would be of little consequence .
16 I was looking forward to being a guest in Ireland for the first time , instead of merely a paying guest .
17 Whatever Aachen may have been in the past , it has settled down now to being a prosperous commercial town with few pretensions .
18 At some time in the 19th century it became a school , then reverted to being a private house , but was in a sadly neglected state when bought by Major and Mrs Anthony Burke in 1953 .
19 He 's admitted to being a Liberal ! ’
20 You should aspire to being a specialist in the central nervous systems of business , which is what its accounts should depict .
21 So there may be a sort of shame attached to being a Tory , up to the last minute , when a different instinct intervenes .
22 Ross admits to being a little disappointed at the level of basic skills when he arrived , adding : ‘ A lot of the mistakes were down to the mental approach and lack of concentration , but , having said that , the attitude and determination of the players has been excellent throughout the season . ’
23 Once you get accustomed to life on the range , it 's hard to go back to being a city slicker .
24 There is an enormous body of data in support of the theory and it is as close to being a factual representation of the nature of evolutionary change as any theory can be .
25 Following them was Kim Philby , who escaped to Moscow just ahead of MI5 in 1962 , and Anthony Blunt , who finally confessed in 1964 to being a long-time and important Russian spy only after having been granted immunity from prosecution .
26 The reality seemed to be adapting to being a mother felt like starting a new job without any training .
27 Some jews went in the opposite direction by expropriating a territory in Palestine ( on the grounds of an historical occupation ) to substantiate their claim to being a nation .
28 More , an orthodox chromosomal gene and a virus that is transmitted inside the host 's egg would agree in wanting the host to succeed not just in its courtship but in every detailed aspect of its life , down to being a loyal , doting parent and even grandparent .
29 There is now a social status attached to non-manual jobs , to being a two-car family and so on .
30 It reverted to being a draught animal in many places , losing its beef productivity , though in some areas its old milking abilities were encouraged and in due course the dairies of Cheshire came to rely on Longhorn milk for cheese-making ; from 1839 onwards Longhorns were frequently winning major beef prizes too , right through to the 1880s .
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