Example sentences of "to [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When dealing with windows , remove all traces of rust and apply a neutralising agent to badly affected areas .
2 These include misspellings and mis-recognitions either due to badly written words or to idiosyncrasies of the pattern recogniser .
3 The out-fields were badly cultivated , cattle husbandry almost impossible , trees a luxury on small plots where land could not be ‘ wasted ’ ; the sheer cadastral complexity of the system was one of the most serious bars to badly needed systems of agricultural credit for the small man .
4 Rudolf Egli AG , of Beromunster , has announced that it will switch from making coffins of rare West African abachi wood to locally grown poplar .
5 It remains our objective to transfer substantial power and responsibility to locally elected politicians on a widely acceptable basis within a framework of stable relationships .
6 For example , many of the foreign firms we talked to in Brazil had adopted policies of limiting their capital budgets to locally generated profits , less dividends remitted home .
7 They can also run courses or help with internal courses , e.g. : ‘ Members of staff registered to attend courses and they provide tutors/input to locally arranged courses ’ .
8 ‘ For example , a decreasing number of persons still object to locally based provisions for mentally handicapped people because understandably their picture of the latter is bounded by bizarre and frightening images often associated with traditional mental handicap hospitals …
9 When however consideration is given to which patients should be transferred back to locally based hospitals from the geographically remote major illness hospitals , there are comparatively few for whom such a transfer is in their best interests , clinically or socially .
10 A study published in the British Medical Journal traces the excess caesium to locally produced lamb and milk from cows which have eaten coastal grasses contaminated with nuclear waste .
11 Tendency to right sided complaints and can not lie on the painful side unlike Bryonia .
12 While the royals had decided to staunchly put on a united front as best they could , 70 miles away Diana refused to attend one of the two public services in village churches near the estate .
13 Stand high up and big white globe , and the used to little got a little door .
14 A fractal description originally developed by mathematician Michael Barnsley , has been adapted to digitally sampled audio .
15 Self-employment contributed only a quarter of these jobs , contrary to widely held views that they dominate .
16 There are other , more immediate , ways in which genes may be copied to widely distributed parts of the chromosomes , like files being duplicated to different parts of a disc , or different discs .
17 It 's almost as if Britain , without playing down its importance , has lost some of its challenge , now Carter are playing to predominantly converted crowds .
18 they had the money to commercially run them ,
19 Yet they see nothing inconsistent with objecting to a well-engineered nuclear waste disposal plant which is clearly necessary to dispose safely of irradiated material already created ; or to properly regulated high-combustion chemical waste disposal plants that are the only alternative ( unless we get rid of the chemical industry ) to toxic wastes being dumped surreptitiously in some field or on some beach .
20 British military forces would only be used to ensure the smooth transition of power to properly elected local governments , and to protect the newly independent states from external predators .
21 There were , of course , flaws in Velikovsky 's reasoning : his imagined catastrophes were fanciful and , while it is all very well to derive clues from oral legends , it makes little sense to prefer these to properly researched results .
22 From this overwhelming fact — signalled , be it remembered , most dramatically by Marx — have sprung a great number of the achievements , problems and conflicts of the late twentieth century : economic growth and the attainment of generally high standards of living , sustained partly by extensive welfare services , in the industrial countries ; the rapid growth of world population , due in part to vastly improved medical services ; changes in the structure of capitalism towards a more ‘ organized ’ form , and in the class system ; revisions of the socialist alternative , to some extent as a result of the relative success of ‘ welfare capitalism ’ ; the North-South divide ; the impact of population growth and industrialization on the environment ; and the shifting balance of economic power in the world .
23 Into the first category we can place the work of Ferrier and Fritz and Hitzig , who showed that previous ambiguous results in studies of experimental brain damage in animals were due to inadequately sized and placed lesions .
24 Following Dixit ( 1987 ) , expressions for the price elasticity of demand and elasticity of substitution can be derived and then set equal to empirically observed values .
25 There is now a body of more formal theory that provides understanding of why the numerical solutions behave as they do , but we confine attention here to empirically observed features of the solutions .
26 In nursing , quality is largely defined by strict adherence to professionally derived standards , but this embraces the psychosocial care of patients as well as the physical and technical aspects of care .
27 Intelligent men in love with their wives were n't immune to blatantly offered temptations .
28 The actual implementation process which enabled the Bank to successfully cut over from the Old IBM 3090–600J to the new machine was recalled by Alan Knight , Manager , Capacity and Performance , Services Delivery , Technology .
29 In his speech at the signing , Gasparovic appealed specifically for co-operation by " our fellow countrymen of Hungarian , Ukrainian , Polish and German origin , and to our Romany population " , drawing attention to constitutionally enshrined minority rights .
30 The accompanying debate about population problems gave rise to much published discussion and research which reveals both the experiences and societal perceptions of the elderly in this period .
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