Example sentences of "to [art] other " in BNC.

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1 The best preliminary plan may be for the reader to open the book upright at ( the illustration ) and then go to the other side of the room , to be imposed on from a distance : it is the nearest the book can offer to the proper first encounter with the figure .
2 Levi was an author who , without detriment to the other people who figure in his books , wrote all the time about himself , both in autobiographical and in fictional form .
3 Particularly in doing a great part like Juliet which we toured in all kinds of places before coming here to the Other Place venue .
4 You , my poor dear lady , ’ and he turned here to the other great detective , ‘ have as one says ‘ raided the vegetable garden ’ .
5 I got up and walked quickly out of the coffee shop , up over the footbridge and on to the other platform — jumping on to the train just as it was about to go .
6 Because they appear reasonably proficient , the instructors tend to give less practice to them than to the other students .
7 She zipped her jeans and sauntered back downstairs to the other side of the table from Lucy .
8 Lucy said yes and Jay led her through to the other room .
9 A huge local family came in as she was drinking coffee , and suddenly there were voices and laughter as they arranged the stately grandmother at the head of the table , the boisterous children banished to the other end .
10 She smiled , turning her head first to one side , then to the other so that they could all see the smile .
11 This can be expressed in Hume 's terms of the tendency of the mind to pass from one to the other , but one must be careful how one interprets such a tendency .
12 It might seem that it would , because it might seem very natural to think that one red thing or image might be taken as standing for red things in general because of its natural resemblance to the other members of the class , this constituting the most fundamental sort of association .
13 Foolish in that it gave a great deal away to the other woman , and she could tell the woman looked at her as someone who could be aggressive and perhaps a bit vulgar , someone who said things which ought never even to have been thought .
14 Both direct approaches and efforts to set up regional recruitment events are yielding positive results in four of the regions and we are still awaiting response to the other four .
15 Grands jetés en avant require a spring onwards from one foot to the other and can take on many forms .
16 This last convention is invaluable in early training because it helps to stabilise balance during the transfer from one foot to the other and is also valuable in such ballets as Birthday Offering as it echoes the period and style of Glazounov 's music .
17 Joseph replied with a renewed bid , this time of £43 million , Watney 's came back again with £47 million , and so the battle swayed from one side to the other for eight weeks .
18 Equally , to yawn is to act bored , to admit and even to flaunt kinship with Svidligailov , and the evil-omened word listless ( vyali ) that dogs Stavrogin , though he never uses it himself , corresponds to the other man 's terminal boredom .
19 In practice , whatever the solution adopted there is always an uncomfortable shifting of gears in the movement from one of these perspectives to the other : nor does the assertion of this or that ‘ homology ’ between style and narrative do much more than to pronounce resolved in advance the dilemma for which it was supposed to provide a working answer .
20 The Amateur Athletic Association , the English body which manages the financial affairs of British athletics , is increasing its annual donation to the other three countries by £20,000 .
21 Technically speaking as long as nobody was hurt , no injuries , no damage to the other vehicle , this is not an accident .
22 As I looked at him sitting opposite me on the floor of the trench , I was fascinated by his resemblance to the other Commandos I had met over the past five days .
23 I parked the jeep under a tree and then , looking at my watch , I decided that as I had a couple of hours to spare I would take a walk across to the other bridge where I had noticed a café on our first day into Normandy .
24 The Corporal glanced sympathetically at the two figures on the floor and then he moved to the other end of the barn .
25 The latrine situated near to the road at the far end of the orchard has been moved to the other side , as far as possible from the road , due to the increasing mortaring .
26 Next morning , 19th July , all is quiet , and after breakfast I decided to pay a visit to the other Commando units ; 4 Commando and 3 Commando , lots of new faces , not many of those who landed on the 6th June are left .
27 I doubled to the other side of the deck and joined the Sergeant Major and Brigadier Mills Roberts .
28 Norwood , despite thoughtfulness and humour , slowly lost adherents to the other two speakers .
29 The agent and artist do n't care what happens to the other 50p , whether it is spent either as the show 's costs or as the promoter 's profit .
30 When at last your gum boots got you , bent double , to the other end you could straighten up to see , again framed in foliage , the mature dream gardens of well-off homeowners , their sumptuous spreads a far cry from the fresh plots of intractable clay that fronted our council houses .
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